prach Gupta

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since Jun 04, 2008
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Recent posts by prach Gupta

How can we set the value of a bean variable through java script on load?
I have tried doing this by setting the value onLoad but it doesnt reflect untill the page is submitted.
Is there any way out?
14 years ago
I have added a new css along with the existing css

.calendarPrevMonth {

and it works fine now.I could not understand the exact logic behind it but its working for me.
15 years ago
I am not suppossed to use command link as it does not work properly with java script...what HTML are you asking about?
15 years ago
You have updated the main CSS with text-decoration: none; but still it doesnot work for me.I think I will have to use anchor tag with the command button.So go to check how can i use anchor tag for it.
15 years ago
Hi Tim

I already have fire bug installed in my fire fox and have seen every bit of style applied on it.As you can see
.link-like-button-center:hover {
color: #945C9E;
text-decoration: underline;

This css is shown in the fire bug applied on the command button but doesnot reflect at all.I havenot got any solution still for the same.
15 years ago
I have a command button shown as a link (using CSS) on a jsf page.
<h:commandButton id="prevBtn" value="Prev" actionListener="#{selectLEZDatesBean.prevMonth}" styleClass="link-like-button-center"/>
The CSS is
.link-like-button-center {
background-color: transparent;
color: #245CCE;
border-style: none;
cursor: pointer;
cursor: hand;
padding-left: 1px;
text-align: left;
font-size:100% !important;
I need to underline it on hovering mouse over it.I am using the following CSS for it.

.link-like-button-center:hover {
color: #945C9E;
text-decoration: underline;

It works fine in Internet Explorer but no underline is shown on mozilla.Is there any specific implementation required on Mozilla?
15 years ago
My Requirement is ---Only the following characters are allowed in integer fields:
0 - 9, ( ) + <space> , - / \
and the regex that I have used is "^\\+?[0-9\\(?\\)\\s\\-\\,\\/]*" which works fine but if I add "\\\\" into it for validation of backslash ,invalid character error is thrown.
15 years ago
I am trying the regex "\\\\" only but it doesnot seem to work.I have tried it many a times but it is taken as an invalid character.
15 years ago
I am trying to have backslash(\) in my expression.Its an escape character but for its own use in an expression,I am unable to find a solution.I have tried "\\\\" but it doesnt accepts it.

15 years ago
I have started learning EJB 3.0.I have opened up O'reilly.I have read pople talking about MZ's notes.What are these?Can you guide me through?