The exam is about servlets 2.4, so be careful if you start messing with Servlets 2.5 specification.
Which three interfaces need to be declared in the web application descriptor?
So, my question is if we synchronize the get or post method and when client is working on that servlet then other client has to wait or not because of synchronization issues?
According to Head First Servlets and JSP, HttpSessionActivationListener must be registered in the DD because it is directly related to the session and not to an attribute.
Based on my reading of the spec and the HSF book, I have not come across anything that suggests containers are required to store a specific context attribute.
Dee Brown wrote:
Spring/hibernate: I have read that they go hand in hand.
JPA, an EJB 3 sub-spec is heavily influenced by Hibernate. The coolest feature is that it supports "out-of-container" testing and can be used in Java SE environment without requiring any heavyweight application server.
Anand Bhatt wrote:
Spring ,JPA
Which of the following listeners are not configured in the deployment descriptor? Select two choices.
a. ServletContextListener
b. ServletContextAttributesListener
c. HttpSessionAttributeListener
d. HttpSessionActivationListener
e. HttpSessionBindingListener
f. HttpSessionListener
Implementing STM does not make servlets thread-safe