loganathan manickavasakam

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since Jun 22, 2008
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Recent posts by loganathan manickavasakam

Yes I need the code for weblink.
Yes.. Basically i am Lotus notes developer not for java. Could you please guide me or send me the sample code. I will intergtate it to my application and let you know the results.
I am using servlet for downloading the files.

here is some more details,
1) Connecting FTP server by using servlet and bring pop up window
2) Popup window have list of Files, and files are displaying based up on the user selected from parent page.
3) Those files are available in server.
4) This pop up window (dev HTML page within servlet). Also have start download / cancel button.
5) If user clicks start download button, the startdownload will connect to FTP client and files are getting download.
6) Here we are passing two parameter (server path, local path). Local path i am giving my ip address but the server is not connecting to me local drive. This will give an error message called "Connection refused". If i am not passing any ip means this will take server drive as local drive and files are getting download in server itself.

7) thats why i user socket to connect the Client port as well as server port.
8) Server port is getting connected..
Scoket sServer = new Socket()
this is getting connected,,

but the same CLient socket
Socket sClient = new Socket("Ipaddress", port).
this is not connecting..


thanks for your response..

Yes you are correct...I want to download the files from server to my local machine (from web).
After clicking the start download, the files are getting download to server only without any issues. Bur here i need to download to my local PC.

Yes, Actually i am using the library from Apache commons net. I am not sure about which jar file you are refereing from apache. If you dont mind please send me the link .

the below link i have used the jar file from apache.

Loganathan M

I have a big issue while downloading the files from FTP Server. The below is description of the project,
1) To connect ftp server
2) Pass the folder structure to FTP server
3) Found the folder and files within directory
4) List the files which is available in the folder
5) User can able to select the files
6) In the Pop up window have two options, Start download / Cancel.
7) If user selected "Start download" files gettting download to our Local PC.
---> Here, I have issues, if user select the start download action the files getting download to server only not for my machine (PC).
ALso i have used Socket to connect the client machine but i am not getting the connection from server to local port.
the below is my code
Socket ClientSocket = new Socket("localhost IP", Port).
the above line is getting error while running my code.
Can any one help me out to solve this issue.
(I need to download the files to my machine only not for server level. If any one have idea pls share me., it will be greate help). You can suggest me !!!.

Loganathan M