Prasanna KumarBP

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since Jul 25, 2001
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Recent posts by Prasanna KumarBP

Thanx for your response.
For my module performance is a very big criteria. I do not want to take any risk. Can I go ahead with CMPs or shall I start writing BMPs?.
My thought is that using CMP2.0 local interfaces is as good as using just a JDBC, with the advantage of having wrapper over JDBC.
Once again thanx for your response.
I need to write a back-end module(import feature)which receives XML data containing entire data dump(around 10,000 records)and same shall be updated into database. Updating database involves insert/update/delete records in 10 tables. Import need to be done every night(off peak hour). My design is as follows,

1. Write 10 CMPs for 10 tables
2. Relate CMPs using CMR
3. Use Local Interfaces to improve performance

Since lot of things are changed in CMP2.0, I feel performance will NOT be an issue with CMP.

What do you feel? This is very urgent, please provide your comments at the earliest.

Problem: My back-end application need to receive an XML data from an external system (over HTTP), that need to be updated in the database ( in the EJB layer). The size of an XML data is huge(>50 MB).
Example: Recieve existing "Bank Account" information in an XML format and create/udpate the same in the database.
Which design pattern can I use ? This is very urgent.
Thanks in advance.
- Prasanna
Hi all
I have generated deployable jar file for a Session bean using Visual Age for Java "V3.5". If I want to deploy to WAS "V3.02", what i need to take care?
-thanx in advance
22 years ago
write same code, what u do for applets :-)
23 years ago
Hi all
where can i get WAS v3.02 installable. if some one got the link please send me
thanx in advance
23 years ago
hi sunil
check classpath for 'activation.jar' and 'mail.jar' if ur using sun's javaMail1.1.3.
23 years ago
if ur not using swing components try using VJ++.
23 years ago
Hi Anuj,
i am working on Tomcat3.2.2 and for database connection pooling i tried to use Ant, but i don't know to use Ant.
please send me some information. it's very urgent
-thanx in advance
23 years ago
We have a problem here. We have a situation in which we will be inserting a row in a table. Now after a time interval of say 5 minutes we want to delete this row. Is there any easy means of doing this in SQL. We know that a Scheduled object in java can do the job. But we would like to know if this can be achieved at SQL level, which whould be faster than our approach.
Kindest Regards
thanx Jim Yingst
23 years ago
hi David
thanx for ur reply.
let assume that there is a limit on the number of threads. then what if i try to create more than that??

23 years ago
i don't think it is possible. for example chat applications like yahoo, icq ,... when yu specify 'using proxy' they will ask for proxy ip and port.
23 years ago
enjoy this code
Properties propSystem = System.getProperties();
propSystem.put("proxySet", "true");
propSystem.put("proxyHost", ""); // proxy ip
propSystem.put("proxyPort", "80"); // proxy port
hope this helps
23 years ago
use this code
txtArea.scrollRectToVisible(new Rectangle (0,txtArea.getHeight()-2,1,1));
23 years ago