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Santosh Raveendran

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since Jun 29, 2008
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Recent posts by Santosh Raveendran

Hi Toto

Go for the Integer Wrapper class as data type for yearBorn instead of using the primitive data type int .
Integer wrapper should default to null so there may not be this issue

12 years ago
Dear All,

I am new to portal and portlets ,would request to advice on references to be considered for begining portal and portlets from scratch.

13 years ago

Hi Team,

i am new to hibernate , i am facing a issue in fetcting the inner objects of a particular object,

i am having a object A which has a instance variable age which is a integer and two contains two objects B and C , when i am loading object A the instance variable age is getting populated correctly but B and C instances are getting
created with new object ids but the values are not getting populated , i am using hibernate 3.

please find the mapping for class A below.


Hi All

i am generating bar chart using jfreechart and integrated the same to rich faces using a4j:mediaOutput , can any one advice , if i can have the tool tip enabled for the same.

13 years ago
Hi tim

thanks for the response , by controller method i meant a method which can help in navigating to another page , i have seen some examples in which a redirection is done from

listener method , but that make some view hard coding . do we have any other solutions

13 years ago

Hi Team

i have implemented <rich:tree> in my project as below

is it possible to call a controller method on clicking the node ,please advice
13 years ago
Hi Team

can any one tell the difference between these h:selectManyMenu and h:selectManyListbox, both seem to give the same view and output . please advice

14 years ago
Hi Friends,

Can you please suggest good references for studying JSF for a beginner.


14 years ago
hi Team

can any one advice on adding a space between a radio button and its label.

do we have any attributes in f:selectItem for doing this

14 years ago

Hi Team,

Is there a major difference between 2 and 3 versions of EJB , as a EJB beginner do we recommend to start with a Ejb 2.0 guide like Head first , please advice.

Thanks a lot for the details, my requirement is to compare the data and write the differences in a flat file.

for example A.pdf will be compared with B.pdf and the difference will be written to a flat file C.txt this is my clear requirement
14 years ago
In my project i needs to compare two pdf files please share your advices for the same.
14 years ago
Hi Team,

In my project i need to retrieve the url to a resource(xml file ) in one java project from another project ,two project are in the same work space.

i tried the same when the resource is in the same project that is working but when the resource is in a different project its not working and the url is coming as null.

please find the piece of code i used for getting the url

14 years ago

i have a small question here do we have Head First for Swings.

14 years ago

i doubt if this a issue with eclipse plugin , what version of eclipse are you using?

14 years ago