Hi, there.
I am using OBJECT tag for an applet.
Typicaly it will look like as follows.. ( Part of a code is as follows)
<OBJECT classid='clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93' width='984' height='570' name='Worksheet' codebase='http://java.sun.com/products/plugin/autodl/jinstall-1_3-windows.i586.cab#Version=1,3,0,0'>
<param name='CODE' value='com.proj.int.ipf.fr.wsheet.applet.WkshtApplet'>
<param name='CODEBASE' value='/ccispapp/classes'>
<param name='cache_option' value='Plugin'>
<param name='cache_archive' value='a.jar,b.jar'>
<param name='cache_version' value=','>
As seen in the code there are two jar files a.jar and b.jar.
Ideally both of the jar files should be available under code base that is /ccisp/classes in this case.
Is there any way to load a.jar from codebase and b.jar from another location or path?