Waria Ahmed

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since Jul 09, 2008
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Recent posts by Waria Ahmed


I am currently working in IT support and studying java in my spair time.

I was looking to start hunting for java jobs around March but even the junior roles require experience. Hence I was pondering whether to do a unpaid work experience / internship for 6 months in java.

Does anyone have any advice on the best way to find these type of jobs?

Thanks in advance.
15 years ago
I would recommend you to start practically programming for a while to build your experience. Then get into the SCWCD, then SCBCD.
15 years ago
What do i need to download? where do I type in commands etc?

Are there any good tutorials out there for a complete newbie like myself?

I'm looking to get into a job regarding SQL and need some knowledge.

Thanks in advance.
This is the error I get when i type something and press "search"

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
at uni.NewJFrame.searchButtonActionPerformed(NewJFrame.java:104)
at uni.NewJFrame.access$100(NewJFrame.java:16)
at uni.NewJFrame$2.actionPerformed(NewJFrame.java:53)
15 years ago
OHHHH Ok.... I get you.

How do I store the input from user as firstText?
15 years ago
This is the full program if it helps...

And Person class...

15 years ago
Im assuming the firstText is a String, and getFirstName returns a String?

i get the NullPointerException when i run the program.
15 years ago
Yes i missed a . there but it still doesnt work.

Basically "firstText" is the variable name for the textfield, which the user types into. And whenever the user presses the search button, I want the program to take what the user typed into "firstText" and search through the array looking to see if it matches any people in array.

If it matches, I want the second name of the person to be displayed in "lastText" textfield.

I know my explanation isnt the best, so please feel free to ask further questions.

15 years ago
Just creating a test GUI program, I have got a text field for first name and a text field for last name. In my JFrame class I am trying to take the input from firstNameTextField and in return print out the last name into the lastNameTextField. This is my code for the actionPerformed�

Basically if the text in the firstText ( variable name for my textfield) matches the first name of the person in the array. Then I want to print the second name in the text field. However I am having problems getting the text from first text field.

Can anyone shed any light on this matter please? Am I doing anything wrong?

15 years ago
As the title says, i would like a recommendation for a book or tutorial for java frameworks.. hibernante, strut etc.

Thanks in advance
15 years ago
Cheers mate, i was on other forums and was recommended Ubuntu as well.

I will download and install the OS and start playing around with it to learn.

Thanks again.
15 years ago
Hi everyone,

I am a complete newbie to linux and now barely anything about it. Could someone kindly guide me towards the best distro to use if I am keen to become a programmer. ( I have been told lnix knowledge is essential for a programmer)

15 years ago
that was very helpful.
15 years ago
I'm not a expert in this feild, and am just a beginner myself.

But as far as I'm concerned you could potentially earn 4 times your current wage in UK, so I think if you have the opportunity you should definitely go for it.
15 years ago