Santosh Tripathi

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since Jul 27, 2001
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Recent posts by Santosh Tripathi

DEar friends,

In a program sql package was imported using-->
import java.sql.*;
import javax.swing.sql.*;
what is the diff betn two, it works importing either package.


19 years ago
Dear Ramaswamy and All the concerned friend

Thanx ur suggestion worked well and prob is solved.
Have a nice day

20 years ago
Dear friend(Kalai)

Thanx for ur quick response.
even setAttribute method is generating it like i have to include any extra package. It is showing null pointer exception

20 years ago
Dear All,

here is the code snippet to use session in jsp but it is generating error in session.putValue("s1",str)

code is ------>//

<%@ page language="java" %>
<%! String str=new String("");
<% HttpSession ses=request.getSession(true);
ses.putValue("s1",str);//generates error

now t1 is input parameter created using html
20 years ago
Dear All,

I have to give a presentation on JavaOne.Pls do tell me from where(site) i can get the overview of JavaOne
20 years ago
Dear all,
Since applet run within web page and is embeded with html file.
how can we run the html file which include applet as well as other things in <body> tag thru Internet Explorer, without using appletviewer
21 years ago
dear friends i too have the same peculier problem as our frien sanjeetkr26 has.
hope w'll be helped out soon,
23 years ago
Dear Friends,
I have a problem with JTextArea.I've defined the JTextArea constructor with 2rows and 2 cols.Now when i enter text into it and press enter key again and again, then instead of an appreance of a scrollbar the area of the JtextArea keep increasing, this results in the shrinking of other JtextField/JTextarea.
Can we Fix this area Of the JTextArea anyhow/or is there any other way to solve this problem?
23 years ago
dear friends,
i'm a fresher and doing aproject.iant to know how can i embed javscript into servlets.pls give a short example.
23 years ago