Hema Nandhini

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since Aug 04, 2008
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Recent posts by Hema Nandhini

Thanks James and Paul... the link was really helpful. "struggling" was exactly the word for me that day. Now i am clear on the encoding concepts and i was able to get it right in POST requests. My storage and retrieval all worked well in POST request. However, i was not able to make it in GET. request.getParameterMap() returns junk values when the input is given thru javascript encodeURIComponent... i am trying. Will post the solution if ever i find the solution.
14 years ago
Thanks for your replies...

Now, my database [Postgres] is created with Encoding as "UTF8", Collation as "POSIX" and Ctype as "POSIX". Without doing any conversion myself, the data is inserted as is ie., the junk data è£?ç½®ã?®ã??ã??ã?®è£?ç½® is inserted. I also tried to do "SET CLIENT_ENCODING TO UTF8" before insert. But still no improvement...

Is there something that i am missing here??
14 years ago
Hi All,

I have had good solutions for my problems here. I hope to get one for the problem i am facing now.

I have to store japanese data in postgres database. Mine is a web application. I get the values using request.getParameterMap(). When we pass japanese character in request, the value that is retrieved has some junk characters [like è£?ç½®ã?®ã??ã??ã?®è£?ç½®]. I am not sure how to convert this into a proper japanese character to store in database. I searched on net and tried to do something using the below code. But i am getting the output like this


Can someone help me to do this??? Thanks in advance...
14 years ago
Sorry about it. My application is deployed to Tomcat 6. I believe we cannot use JTA transaction manager in tomcat.
14 years ago
Thanks a lot for your replies. I tried spawning the threads inside programatic transaction ie., transactionTemplate and did the status.setRollBackOnly() flag when any one of the threads fail. But this does not help. Even the thread that fails doesnt rollback....
14 years ago
Hi all,

I am new to Spring transaction management. My business requirement is this:

I have a method, say updateData in dao layer. This method will do series of postgres operations and return a map which will hold status, errorcode, errormessage as keys and appropriate values for them. When there is huge data input , I want to split the input data and execute this method[updateData] in different threads. Even if one thread fails all other threads also should rollback. Currently only the thread which fails is rolled back. All other threads are getting committed. Can someone help me how to manage the transaction for this multithreaded scenario.

This is my code setup:
1. I use annotation-driven transaction management for updateData [@Transactional(propagation=Propagation.REQUIRED, rollbackFor=Exception.class)]. Code looks something like this:

2. I use ExecutorService to spawn threads and get the Future objects to check for the results. Code looks something like

3. I use org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate and org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager for executing queries. For example, like this:
14 years ago
Hi all,

I am back here after long time. i want a suggestion from you guys.. i have been leading a small team [java project] now. i am new to managing people at work and i find it extremely difficult to manage the tasks and keep track of everyone's tasks. can you suggest me any freeware tool which would be useful to track things or any strategy towards it?

14 years ago
16 years ago
Thats an awesome score.. Congradulations !!!
16 years ago
Congradulations!! Great Score
Yes Ananth, I am planning for SCDJWS...
16 years ago
Thanks everyone for your wishes
16 years ago
Wow great score.. Congrats
16 years ago

I dont think we get the ebook for Charles Lyons book. I have the hard copy of the Asian Edition.
16 years ago