Viral Patel

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since Aug 12, 2008
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Recent posts by Viral Patel

i am using file connLoad.jsp for connection and init resultset
its works fine in other files as well as if I run the same code using tomcat4 then it works but in tomcat 6 its not working....

here is the code of connLoad.jsp

please reply as im stucked and waiting for solution

thanks in advvance

I am getting error of java.lang.NullPointerException.

Previously I used Tomcat 4.0 and my code is working fone...

but when I upgraded my tomcat 4.0 to tomcat 6.0 it gives me the error of java.lang.NullPointerException.

Please help me ....
it gives error of NullPointerException on line
int id = Integer.parseInt(cachedRS.getString("SerialNo"));

here is the code...


I am getting error of java.lang.NullPointerException.

Previously I used Tomcat 4.0 and my code is working fone...

but when I upgraded my tomcat 4.0 to tomcat 6.0 it gives me the error of java.lang.NullPointerException.

Please help me ....
it gives error of on line
int id = Integer.parseInt(cachedRS.getString("SerialNo"));

here is the code...

16 years ago

I am using struts2-core-
I am trying to make server side validation for login control for the application

I maked the page for login and after the correct username and password gets I want to redirect to the specific page..
as well as I want to rescrict some pages that are only accessible after valid user login. I store the login information in session
and after at the time of page loads I check that session variable for login is correct or not and after I use jsp redirect but its not working.

same way if I use redirect without having session variable then its working

here is the code of it

please help me and solve te problem as I am now mashed after searching all about this...

Thanks is advance..
16 years ago

just remove the theme="simple" from <s:autocompleter >

it will solve your problem....
16 years ago

Originally posted by B T R Srinivasarao:
I am unable to add dataFieldName attribute for autocompleter in struts2.0.6
and able to get the attribute in struts2.0.9
was the release having some issues in 2.0.6?

dataFieldName is not tag from struts 2..
its a tag from dojo....
use code as below...

16 years ago

Originally posted by Merrill Higginson:
To be honest, I've never used the Struts autocompleter tag, so I'm learning along with you. I did spend some time and got an example working, but I did it differently that you did.

I'll share my code with you, and hopefully you'll be able to get it working also. I just took the existing code from the struts2-showcase application and modified it so that rather than using the static JSONList.js file, it uses an Action class to generate the output.

The first thing I did was download the jsonplugin-0.30.jar file from this link and put it in my WEB-INF/lib folder.

Here's the modifications I made to the struts-ajax.xml file:

I then created the following Action class:

In the index.jsp, all I had to do was add dataFieldName="states" to each of the <s:autocompleter> tags.

Once I did this, the tags work exactly the way they did with the static list.


i m new to Struts 2.

Can anyone please post/mail the whole expmle with struts.xml and java file and jsp file ?

with using

I'm trying to do exactly as in the example as well as stucked after lots of searching about it i have seen your post.

I have tried the example from your reply to the post but still its not working. even I tried the dojo tag-lib .

actually I want to fill the list of autocompleter from the database.....

I just wants the example using JSON List means href tag of autocompleter.
I tried lots of different methods to retrive the list and I can't get the list thats why I am asking for the whole code.

Ihave also tried the showcase code and change it according to your instructions ... but stll its not works....

please please please help me....

my mail ID is

Thank you in advance,

16 years ago