I am using auto completer for selecting some data and I am passing the that information to get some more data to populate within a data table component in a jsp file.
when I am doing this second time.my previous data got replaced by newly searched data.I need each and every search result in my data table.
<s:form action="getMyData" name="allDetails" id="allDetails">
<div class="panel-heading panel-box panel-heading-user">
<h5 class="information-gallery-text">Search My Data
<!-- Main row -->
<div class="col-md-12">
Student Id |
Student Description |
Action |
<s:property value="bean.StudentId"/> |
<s:property value="bean.StudentDescription"/> |
Modify |
here " bean " means the bean name in my action class where my search data stores.
Please provide us inputs.
naga Prathap.