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prathap venkata naga yelugula

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Recent posts by prathap venkata naga yelugula


I have a query on finding/reading the macros in a ppt file(latest MS Office file).I have used several
api's but I didn't get exact solution.

Could any one help in this using java.

Hi Igor,

Is the WhizLabs latest suite consists 7 mock exams?

Naga Prathap.

I have one query on one business flow like.

The application flow should be an asynchronous .

1, It should fetch some data from database(some rows according to condition).
2, It has to call a soap based service dynamically using the data fetched in the step 1.

My query is like step 1 is possible, come to step 2 , normally if we want to hit any web service, we have create the client for that service using respective wsdl.
Just by knowing the wsdl link at the time of step 1.Can we able to proceed with web service interaction(soap).

I am planning to use Spring batch for this(as I am retrieving multiple rows from DB,I have use each and every row data for calling related web service).Is it supports this requirement?

8 years ago
Hi K. Tsang,

Thanks for the information.


I am planning to do OCMJEA. Could you please share the process to do the mandatory training's with respect to this certification.
I am from Hyderabad(India).Is any one attended any sessions from this location.

Previously I am done with SCJP,SCWCD and SCBCD (5).


I have small requirement like,I need to create a sample java module which should contain OSLC (Open Services for Life cycle Collaboration ) consumer and provider.

I have referred so many websites but,I am not able to capture the process to do this.

Could anyone provide me some inputs on this.

Naga Prathap.
we are using like below

<s:iterator value="adBean.demoAdmin" >

<tr class="service">
<s:property value="adBean.adminMgmtId" />
<td class="adminMgmt-tab"><s:property value="adminMgmtName" /></td>
<td class="vcenter"><input type="checkbox" id="read" value="1" /></td>

We need to get the complete data in the screen for table data population for names and properties like check boxes for boolean values.

naga Prathap.
9 years ago

I am using auto completer for selecting some data and I am passing the that information to get some more data to populate within a data table component in a jsp file.
when I am doing this second previous data got replaced by newly searched data.I need each and every search result in my data table.

<s:form action="getMyData" name="allDetails" id="allDetails">

<div class="panel-heading panel-box panel-heading-user">
<h5 class="information-gallery-text">Search My Data

<!-- Main row -->
<div class="col-md-12">
<thead> </thead> <tbody> </tbody>
Student Id Student Description Action
<s:property value="bean.StudentId"/> <s:property value="bean.StudentDescription"/> Modify


here " bean " means the bean name in my action class where my search data stores.
Please provide us inputs.

naga Prathap.

9 years ago


I am able to get my data in auto completer and using that data for populating in some other component and then when I am again trying to search something in autocompleter box the values from the databases are not populating in the box.

<sx:autocompleter emptyOption="true" showDownArrow="false" headerValue="Select RoleName" list="mylistName" name="someName" id="someName" />

<s:submit value="Search" cssClass="btn_eric"></s:submit>

Could you please provide me inputs to work the text box which has auto completer should used for search in all times.

naga Prathap.
9 years ago
Hi I need to iterate the bean data in jsp for data population wrt to UI design like lables and text boxes.for the I am using below code.Could you please provide me inputs to use the bean data and iterate for the same.

<S:Iterator name="adBean "/>

Action class :

AdminMgmt adBean = {I am getting the data from DB properly}

Bean class data :

Class AdminMgmt{
int AdminMgmtId;
String AdminMgmtName;
boolean AdminMgmtPrice;

List<DemoAdmin> demoAdmin = new ArrayList<DemoAdmin>();

// Getters and Setters


Class DemoAdmin{

int demoAdminId;
String demoAdminName;
boolean demoAdminPrice;

List<Demo> demo = new ArrayList<Demo>();

// Getters and Setters


class Demo{

int demoId;
String demoName;
boolean fixedDemoType;
boolean fixedDemoPrice;

// Getters and Setters.


Naga Prathap,
9 years ago

Is there any sample application using struts2 with mybatis on oracle DB by selection,insertion operations.

{ Struts2 + MyBatis + Oracle }

Naga Prathap.
9 years ago

My requirement is like I am not able to handle multiple tables in a single configuration in mybatis-config file.
giving aliases troubles me while retrieving the data.any simple example application/link which shows struts2 + Mybatis

Naga Prathap.
Hi all,

I have configured struts2 with mybatis.
but come to configurations,I am facing so many issues while retrieving multiple lists etc..Could anyone suggest me how to configure this thing.

Naga Prathap
Thanks a lot Jeanne,

I have request the Oracle(497386-472012881) with my old SR Number.

Thanks for valuable guidance.

Naga Prathap.
I have finished my SCEA Part-1 in November 2010.
After that I didn't turned into it.

I am planning to continue the next parts now.Could you please suggest me to do the

Naga Prathap.