Hi friends
I am getting value from webservice .so I am parsing the value and storing in arraylist .I am getting lot of value from websrving while storing the value in arraylist .I am getting out of memory error How to avoid that?
can anybody give example?
Hi friends
I am getting out of memory error in string builder in android .I am gettin lot of values from webservice while replacing xml entity character reference character i used stringbuffer .How to avoid that can anybody give example how to do?
Hi friends
I have list view and edit text in activity .If user click edittext virtual keypad shown to user .If virtual keypad arrived my layout is going up and I virtual keypad My layout is going down How to prevent layout moving up and down ? can anybody tell how to do?
when i used list view only its going up and down .I need to use listview in that activity
I want to display progress bar from moving one activity to another activity .it take time. it will display black screen when activity two is getting value from web server is it possible? if it is can anybody give example
I am getting the value from webservice and setting the value in bean like setter and getter method .I want the get the value from another class can anybody give example?
Hi friends,
I am adding company name in the hash map .I have text box .If user type 'A' or 'a' I have to display 'A' or 'a' company to the user.can anybody tell how to search equalignorecase search in hashmap?
Hi friends,
I am getting value from web service like these characters <> & :lt span :lt p etc how to replace these characters .I want to parse the value can any body tell how to replace characters give example?