Vijaya Bhaskar

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since Sep 02, 2008
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Recent posts by Vijaya Bhaskar

Dear all,
I'm new to this domain of object oriented analysis and design and I want to know the importance of UML.
And by going through some text books I observed that "Structural diagrams" concept.
What exactly mean by a structural diagram/static diagram (Ex: class diagram).
My intention is to know about that "Structure/static" word.

Please help me regarding this with an example.
Dear all,
I'm working as an academic professor and I want to include a ORM(Hibernate) framework in our curriculum.
So, I am expecting some of well know text books and references from you.
Please refer if any.

Thanks to all replies.

8 years ago
Thank you Chand,

That is okay but little bit is required again on:

An object has 3 things:
                            1. state
                            2. behavior
                            3. identity

What do you mean by identity here?
8 years ago
Dear all,

What exactly hashCode() returns?
I have gone through something like that "an object has its identity".

What exactly mean by an identity of an object?

Is it (identity) what hashCode() returns?

8 years ago
I am getting confusion with some explanation about sendRedirect() and forward().
Can anybody explain in detail about these two?

And I need one more,
When I ask a resource from a web client then that resource has to redirect to automatically. How it is possible?
8 years ago
Then what we use exactly??Can you send me any template/design pattern/code,which explains our task exactly?

I mean,am expecting a logical implementation regarding these two service layers.
9 years ago
Am new to web services platform and I want to know the exact difference between an application service layer and business service layer(What kind of technologies we use to code these two layers).
9 years ago
Sorry, I did it but I am getting the same problem..
10 years ago
import java.sql.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

public class FirstServlet extends HttpServlet {

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res)throws IOException,ServletException{
PrintWriter out=res.getWriter();
out.println("hi vijay");



<FORM name="f1" action="./first" method="GET">
Enter name:<input type="text" name="uname">
<input type="submit" value="click">

10 years ago
Hi dear all,
I need a help that when I am invoking a servlet class file from my HTML file instead of displaying output in my browser it is downloading my output as a file..Why it is?..

10 years ago
Hi to all i am getting org.hibernate.HibernateException problem while i am creating a new EjbQl connection.I added all depended jar files and META-INF folder to class path in iReport tool. This is my persistence.xml file:

please send me immediately..i am waiting for your 's is an urgent requirement...Thanks in advance...
Hi to all, can any one help me to work on Jasper Reports?i know up to some extent only i.e up to writing JRXML can i do frame work integration?and i am working on Java there any special utility package to get library facility?please help me to learn newly and do R&D on this context...please provide help...i am keen to do this..Thanks in advance.......
HI to all,can any one help me about the following problem?
" i have to internalize my report by using HINDI language...for this i did take one .properties file with _hi_IND Locale and i set the option through Build->set Report Locale to HINDI...and i executed my report but it shows the key's value as ??? i.e what i did is i used "Google Translator to convert default text to HINDI" and copy that string and placed that translated string in my .properties file....but i am unable to find the actual Hindi string after execution of my report it shows ??? in place of replaced string....please help me how can i get the actual HINDI string?"...