Sven Farrenkopf

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since Sep 03, 2008
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Recent posts by Sven Farrenkopf

Maneesh Godbole wrote:
Like it or not, applets reached their "end of life" long time back.

Well, I wouldn't go that far. I agree that applets "never took off", but there is obviously still some need for RIAs that require more reliability/memory/performance than an AJAX-Framework can provide. And even if applets never reached the popularity they deserved(!) I believe they will never really die as well. Even this forum still offers "Applets" as a category that has its visitors (e.g. you and me)

But I really think somewhere on the way something went terribly wrong, now that everyones first appoach to RIA is using HTML/CSS/AJAX ... with HTML5 as the latest consequence of that development. Don't get me wrong: HTML5 is a good thing ... but still a result of a wrong market-development.

Applets will probably never reach the mobile market, but I really wish (but don't expect) some revplution would happen that provides a different, more solid (non-java?) solution for RIAs ... and no HTML-based patchwork that was developed because all the lemmings walked in the wrong direction.


10 years ago

When it comes to the new security requirements for applets (and web start) I think it's surprisingly quiet.I expected more Applet-developers to complain ...

What really bothers me: Is there any way to use self-signed certificates anymore? The second link above says:

"Self-signed certificates are an option to known communities, but each computer will need to import the certificate into its trust store."

Well ... I DID import the self-signed certificate into the trust store and I still get Warning-Messages under 1.7.0_45. Is that a bug? I doubt it.

10 years ago
I made some progress ...

The auth-dialog even pops up when the applet-jar-files are loaded. They're hosted on IIS 7.

When I disable "Negotiate" (=Kerberos) as authentication-provider in IIS, everything works fine. (Yay!)

So Integrated Windows Authentication via NTLM works and the jars are loaded without any dialogs.

It just doesn't work with Negotiate/Kerberos ... does the JRE not support loading Kerberos-protected jar-files?

Or do I neet to configure the jre to use kerberos? When I enter the URL of the jar into the browser, I can download the jar without authentication.


12 years ago
It's been a while ... and still no progress. Some applets actually work and connect without authentication, others don't.

I found some articles on this, but no real solution.

Any ideas?

12 years ago
Right now we have several applets running under XP / IE8 / Java 1.5 (we skipped 1.6 completely). We're now testing those Applets with JRE 1.7 and encounter some problems.

The applets send web-requests to the server, which worked fine with 1.5.

In 1.7 a usr/pwd-dialog appears. Entering my credentials, everything works fine too - though now the password is saved and I can't reproduce the problem.

Does anybody know where those passwords are stored? Somehow I can't find that list to remove my entry. Second, I don't know why I was asked for credentials in the first place. Where's the difference to 1.5? Did 1.5 use the IE-credentials and 1.7 doesn't?


13 years ago
Sorry for bringing this up again, but I just tried Java 7 early access ... and the bug is still there. We can't stay on JRE 1.5 forever, so has anybody any idea for a workaround?

14 years ago
Ok, running it on EDT did the trick!



14 years ago
Are we talking JFrames?
Do you have a reference from one frame to the other?

14 years ago
I'm working with quite complex TableModels which sometimes rearrange their data on certain events. When a repaint occurs during that rearrangig, the Model might be inconsistent and getValueAt() delivers wrong values. Can I prevent the repaint while rearranging? Or are there any other suggestions?

Here's some simplified(!) code as an example - my actual TableModels are much more complex.

I'd appreciate a solution without synchronized methods in it (if there is any)


14 years ago

Rob Camick wrote: I believe the background is painted in ComponentUI.update(...)

Now THAT'S what I was looking for. Thanks!

14 years ago

Rob Prime wrote:Check out the source of javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLabelUI.

Have you read my first posting? I already checked - couldn't find it.

14 years ago
Ok, though my actual problem is solved, I want to rephrase my question:

Since Swing sources are open, I was looking for the line of code that actually painted the background of a JLabel. I wasn't looking for hacks, since (in my case) setBackground() worked just fine. But when I wanted to paint my own (multi-color) background in a subclass of JLabel, the sizing didn't work properyly. So I was looking for an explanation by comparing both sources. I still haven't found that particular line of code, though I found the explanation of what I did wrong in a different code-passage of Swing. (I used column- and row-spanning in my table which was the origin of my problem - the Rectangle had a bug in its calculation.)

But thanks anyway


14 years ago
I searched Swing-Sources but somehow I can't find where JLabel checks for an opaque Background and paints it. The closest thing I found was in BasicLabelUI:

But there is no opaque-check and no background-drawing.

(I need the code for debugging my own. JLabel seems to give different heights when used in a JTable - since "normal" background-painting works fine in swing and it definetly needs the height to paint it, I was looking for the code)

14 years ago
For anyone who might have the same problem some day, I reported the bug to sun:

15 years ago
Well, I'm into Swing/Applet-Development for some years now, so not actually "new". And I didn't expect it to work on all platforms - but IE is standard in our company, so "%" saves me some scripting. That's why I asked if it was specified this way. Looking it up, I just found suggestions that you shouldn't use it - but no specification. (Which doesn't mean it doesn't exist - I just googled 10mins!)

Anyway ... pixel-sizes don't help - same effect. I'm aware the guys from sun didn't expect developers to put a JTextfield in a JMenu. I even found a posting on sun's Bug-DB (in a different context) where a supporter was totally surprised that people could have such an idea. But browsing swing-codes I can't see why it shouldn't work. Having a JTextfield in a simple JPopupMenu (without JMenu as parent) always works - no matter how big or small the applet is and whether the popup is inside or outside the applet- or browser-area. But that won't solve my problem since I need the JMenu.

Our company can't upgrade to JRE 1.6 unless I either solve this problem or write them a different user-interface (which they have to accept first).

15 years ago