This is the problem, when i chose to use the Visual editor i just cant drag and drop any UI component like Button or whathever.
Ples help me what is the problem.
PS i don't have problem with Emulator, the programs run fine THE problem is only with visual editor. I don't want owase to code XML by my hands.
Hi i woant to make a consol animation using Thread= I dan it but i don't know haw to Erase the no Used text witch i made before
For Example I have one Console image "^" and i made this image LEFT and RIGHT , UP and Down 2 steps with one Thread but haw to Clean the Screen after every Step witch the image made. Like a GUI game every move UPDATE the Screen and i with to updait it
If i make the animation in normal way i see ^^^ after the 4 move
and no more because the image is the same. Haw to Update it haw to clean the screen I don't know haw to form the ? exactly I hope you understand me.
Hello i have one problem and need Know haw from the Profs
I have this code
This is table and i need it for one smal progect= I need to save the DATAS from the rows and den to open it agen=
Can you geva me a SAVEING data tutorial because i dont have time to stady SQL for Java
I need samthink like SAVING IN TXT. FILES but i dont know haw actualy
Hi i try tocreate program simulating Company in this simulation the user can choose thisferent operation and this choice must by save somewhere
I first thing about Database like SQL but i dont have a time to lern haw to use it and the second chance is to use a Files to save the progres
For example (I dont finish the GUI jet) I have a Text panels where the users set diferent sums of money and this sums must by used from the program in later stage of the work and this is not everithing i have a fils with text fils with Names and digits and this fils must bi always used
tale me haw to save this information
To use a diferent text fils categoris and to call them any time. Hay can i use the info whitch i need
Give me Ideas
If enyone have'nt understand i will explain in detail