Pratap Chatterjee

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since Sep 05, 2008
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Recent posts by Pratap Chatterjee

Will the performance of grails application be better if I use plain Grails Object Relational Mapping to Oracle database instead of mapping the domain objects using web services.
15 years ago
I was really hoping that someone will be able to help... But I am not that lucky sadly. (no one answered).

Can someone please tell me how to configure Apache for a Master Slave setup using two Tomcats. I am looking for a very simple fallover solution as the previous solution is too complex, I guess..

I don't want load balancing. I only need fallover solution.

Come on and please help..
15 years ago
I have an apache server load balancing two tomcats. I do not want clustering as serializing axis1.4 application is complex. I don't mind loosing existing session if one tomcat goes down. Sticky session is not an option as Axis Web Service clients do not accept cookies. My web services are stateless and in pure load balance situation 50:50, I loose request as load is shared.

If I can load balance two tomcats in 100:0 using Apache load balancer, then I will have Master Slave operation on two tomcats.

Is this possible? Apache balance manager does not allow me to set 100:0 load. Is there a work around? How can I configure Apache/Tomcat in Master Slave mode and keep Slave inactive until Master goes down?

Please help...
15 years ago