Steve Gray

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since Sep 10, 2008
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Originally posted by Peter Johnson:
Are you running WebLogic from a command prompt? If so, in that same command prompt Window type CTRL-BREAK. If you are running WebLogic as a service, you will need a tool to send a SIGINT signal to the JVM. One such tool is SendSignal

But if all that you want is a heap dump, you can use the jmap utility that comes with JDK 6 to do that. (jmap also comes with JDK 5 on Linux, but not on Windows)

I am running Weblogic as a server from within Eclipse so I will need to sendSignal tool you mention.
I am using Eclipse 3.3.2 and Weblogic 8.1 sp6 on my Windows box and am trying to do some profiling of our application to track down some memory leaks. I am using MAT and it relies on heap dumps for its profiling. I can have set up the vm args as follows:
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:+HeapDumpOnCtrlBreak

I get Heap dumps when I run out of memory but have not been able to figure out how to get the CTRLBREAK memory dumps.

How exactly do I execute a ctrl break???