E Paisley

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since Sep 22, 2008
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Recent posts by E Paisley

Has anyone ever converted a JSF Portlet into a plain JSF application?

I'm working on a project that involves moving some JSF portlets into stand alone web applications.

I'm looking for an example of how to go about doing this. Any suggestions or links would be greatly appreciated!

12 years ago
I've noticed a few differences, most notably the non Websphere doesn't seem to use the scriptcollector or the onPageLoadBegin function.

Is this true or did I just miss something?

Any other gotcha's?
13 years ago
I'm researching what it is going to take to move some of our JSF applications off of Websphere and onto JBoss.

Does anyone have any pointers or suggestions on what to look for?

Or maybe a suggestion on where to look for how to do this?

13 years ago
I tried teh above, but got the following error when I tried to change the response content type. Any suggestions?

javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: text/csv

14 years ago

Has anyone ever used the portalURLWriter to generate a portal link to another portlet? I'm attempting to do so and I keep getting a
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String on the code below where I call the portalURLWriter.writePortletRenderURL. How can I fix this?

Here is the stack trace:

14 years ago
I have a datatable that I'm using the column headings as actionlinks and sorting the data. The weird thing is that I can only sort twice in a row on the same column. Meaning, I click 'Total' - col heading - once and it sorts asc, then I click it again and it sorts desc. Then if I try to click the 'Total' again it doesn't do anything. It doesn't submit, refresh, nothing. The cursor says it's a link but it just doesn't register that I clicked the mouse. If click another column to sort and then come back to the 'Total', it will sort. But again only twice.

Has anyone ever seen this behavior and have any suggestions?
15 years ago
I'm trying to forward to another page inside of my JSF application from the onPageLoadBegin of the first page.

I have some logic that determines if they need to see the first page or not. If not they need to forward to the second page but i can't seem to figure out how to do it. It isn't an actionlink so I can't "return" a navigation value and the following doesn't do anything (no error, but no forward either)

Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?
[ November 05, 2008: Message edited by: Eric Paisley ]
16 years ago
I have the scriplet below at the top of a JSF page. How can I access the reportLocation variable inside of a JSF link element? I guess what I'm asking is what is the JSF syntax to access the reportLocation variable?

16 years ago
I'm trying to create a link in a footer of a datatable. Based on a Portlet preference I want to show and use a requestLink or portal:urlGeneration link. I can get the if to work, but when generates the urlGeneration link, it shows it outside the datatable. Is there a way to force the table code into the footer?

[ October 23, 2008: Message edited by: Eric Paisley ]
16 years ago
Thanks for the suggestion, although I am already doing that... The entire column only responds to the style in the header and not in the data values

[ October 01, 2008: Message edited by: Eric Paisley ]
16 years ago
This is going to sound like a real newbie type question...

How do you center a column heading in a datatable. What I need to do is center the column heading but have the data be right aligned. I can't get the heading to act one way (center) and the column to act another (right aligned).

Any suggestions?
16 years ago
I did end up getting it to work...

The following statements will work in the rendered attribute.

16 years ago
Can you use a function inside of the rendered attribure?

Rendered takes a true/false value. What I'm trying to do is compare to backing bean values to determine if link should be displayed. Something like this:

rendered="#{!(frCodeBeingDisplayed == loggedInAs)}"

The above doesn't work. What I have found is that you can set rendered to a backing bean value (True or False), but I haven't found anything on a function that results in a true or false.

Can you set a function to a rendered attribute? Any suggestions would be appreciated
16 years ago
Please Help.

I'm trying to build a page with JSF and use a datatable to display information. One the columns (called category) is a requestLink to another page. Depending on the String value of category determines whether it is a link or not.

I'm trying to use the JSTL core if statements to print the link or just the text, but it seems like the core code only exectues once. Any suggestions?

varbottomLineExpandedSummary is the backingBean that is used to generate the datatable. Any suggestions or pushes in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!
16 years ago