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Dannyf Soon

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since Oct 07, 2008
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Recent posts by Dannyf Soon

Passed all exams within 2 months?! Cool~~~~ You're the fastest one I ever heard. I believe that you set a record in forum already.

12 years ago

Usman Ibrahim wrote:Congrats Dannyf.

Have they mentioned somewhere that it will take 45 days for the shipment of the certification kit.

Yes, it says 'You should receive your success kit within 45 days of the ‘Created Date’ above' on the 'Success Kit Status' screen in CertView

It could be faster. who knows.
12 years ago
Factory Home, the one with confusing domain model. Don't worry if you got this assignment fortunately:-) as there are quite a few threads talking about the FH domain model. But do not talk about solution.
12 years ago
Below is the timeline regarding my exam and result:

04-OCT-11 Received Letter informing exam passed. Able to see the OCMJEA certification on Certification History screen in CertView. Have to wait 45 days for the shipment of certification kit.

30-SEP-11 Received Letter informing Essay has been matched with Assignment and grading started. Check Pearson VUE score report.

29-AUG-11 Part III Essay @ Pearson VUE

26-AUG-11 Part II Assignment @ Pearson VUE

05-APR-10 Part I Multiple Choice Questions @ Prometric

By my exam experience, for part I & II, you must read JEE 5 Tutorial, SCEA 5 Study Guide 2nd (by Mark Cade & Humphrey Sheil), Design Patterns and Core J2EE Patterns. I bought Sun's exercise questions and Whizlabs exercise questions for part I preparation. Quite helpful.

For part II, just follow the diagrams in SCEA 5 Study Guide 2nd to fit you design in them (slight revision is okay). Not just me did this, many other people also did so. After done drawing diagrams, ask yourself if development team will be able to build a working and complete system following your diagram and assumptions. If you're not confident, check and modify your diagrams again until you're confident.

For essay, you must be quite clear why you choose a particular framework or technology over other alternatives. Try to ask yourself whys and prepare the answers by yourself. Must prepare the answers, otherwise you may not have enough time for the 8 questions when you taking actual exam.

During the preparation, don't hesitate to ask question in forum as there are many java elites and experts here. They have deep understanding of Java and JEE. Make full use of the forum resources.

Sorry I don't have much time to write more. Good luck to you, Ranchers!
12 years ago
12 years ago
Hi Ranchers,

I want to have a stateless session bean asynchronously invoke a web service, using JAX-WS Proxy Pulling or Callback way.

Reason: There could be a moment that web service provider fails to conform SLA. That means response time of the web service could be a bit longer once in a while.)

I'm not very sure this approch can bring better scalability and stable performance to system. Please share your oppion.


Hi Ranchers,

Please share your opinions!

- Danny
Hi Ranchers!

I'd like to add a custom UI component in my JSF based design. The following is the data flow:

JSP page <-- custom UI component <-- manamged bean

Managed bean got visual model and is going to set visual model in custom UI component, while Cusom UI component in turn is going to render the visual model in jsp pages.

I wonder if my the data flow mentioned above is correct.

Ranchers please give your comments!
Hi Ranchers,

I've got question regarding the requirements for 3D Modelling Tool (a black box with xml as input and high quality model as output ) & Strong Visaul Feedback.

None of the use cases addresses these two requirements.

1. I think my component and deployment must adderess them.

2. But, for seqence diagram, can I just stick to the basic follow of uses cases and don't reflect the 3D modelling tool and visual feedback at all? Instead, I'll put as much description as possible in assumption to address them in detail. What do you think?

3. BTW, the use case only describes a successful path for an operation, e.g. "System checks for availability of the component". Can I only address that path in sequence diagram? Must I take care of the failure path or other alternative path as well?

Ranchers please share your opinion! Thanks!


Krzysztof Koziol wrote:I agree. Probably there are some other use cases not mentioned in the assignment that cover adding several house designs to one CompletedDesign.

Thank you Krzysztof! I agree too.

Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:You can express relationships in the class diagram even if they don't fit into one of the provided use cases. We know there are more use cases in the "real" system than we are asked to create.

Thank you Jeanne!
Hi Ranchers,

As has been discussed before, domain model of Factory Homes show us the relationships Completed design > Product (House) > Component. A CompletedDesign can have 1 or more products. That means a customer can select one or more products to form a completed design, right? But there's no any use case to address this relationship. UC-3 is only about completing a single house design. This is confusing, isn't it?

Ranchers please share your idea with me.

