Lakmal Abeysekara

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since Oct 14, 2008
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Recent posts by Lakmal Abeysekara

The exception implicit object is available only to error pages.
You should explicitly define <%@ page isErrorPage="true" %>.

Hello sudheer,
Don't be discouraged. I have a friend who failed the SCWCD exam. He also had 68% marks for his first attempt. He did not give up his goal. In his second attempt he got 98% marks. So work hard and try again. I am sure you will be able to get more than enough marks next time. All the best!

15 years ago
Thank you all,

Thank you all for giving me valuable information. Chamida's guess is correct. I am a university student from Sri Lanka.

Today my question is this.
I have installed NetBeans 5.5.1 in my computer. Can I run EJB using it? Should I install new version of NetBeans?
Congratulations Vijay


15 years ago
Hello Friends,
This is not method overriding. You just declared two methods in the super class and sub class with the same name. The rule is STATIC METHODS CANNOT BE OVERRIDDEN.
In the given scenario the compiler considers about type of the referance, not the actual object assigned to it.
You can call static methods by using the class name.
If you want to print "Hello in 1st static method" -- use over.disp();
If you want to print "Hi in 2nd static method " -- overridedemo.disp();


SCJP 1.4 SCWCD 5.0
Hi Everyone,
I am new to EJB technology. I am preparing for SCBCD 5. I want to learn how to compile and run EJB applications. Can I do this without using an IDE? I heared some people were telling "It is better not to use IDE when you learning new thing". They argue that we can understand more things by compiling, deploying and running manually. Please tell me your idea about that.
What are the recomended IDEs for developing EJBs?
What are the recomended EJB containers?
Thank You

SCJP 1.4 SCWCD 5.0
Thank you all for your replies.

SCJP 1.4
Hi everyone,
I did my SCWCD exam last week.
Am I eligible to do SCBCD and SCMAD?
What should I do first?

Thank You!