tushar jain

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since Aug 07, 2001
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Recent posts by tushar jain

I have one application which continously polling MS Access database (version 2000/2002). Application is written using jdk 1.2.2 but to avid the varios bugs in default jdbc api which comes with jdk 1.2.2, I wish to use jdbc 3.0.
1. Can some body suggest how to do it?
2. From where to get jdbc 3.0 jar?

Bugs in jdk 1.2 (http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/bugParade/bugs/4261390.html
any help is appreciated.

use java script and manupulate history object. But beware about cross browser compatability isuues.

21 years ago
as far as i understand, tld's are to provide functionalities which are not available in HTMl and whic are needed repeatdly ( such as looping, pagination etc), for which lots of complex code is needed. Keeping in mind these all answers seems to be wrong.

21 years ago
Say My JCombobox (editable) is created by passing Vector in its constructor.
Say Vector has Five Strings "ABCDE", "ABRTY", "BTYRE", "BTREU","RTYSD1".<b>
When user key in "A" then string "ABCDE" must automatically be visible to the user. IF user ignores the suggestion and continue to type , say "ABR" then "ABRTY" must be suggested to the user.<b>
Is there any solution. Thanks in advance.
21 years ago
I Have one JApplet which has Four Tabs (Using JTabbedPane component).One of the Tab has Box (Verical) which has in turn three more boxes.
Middel Box (Vertical) has one Box (Horizontal) and one JPanel( FlowLayout- Left). This JPanen Has one JScrollPane which has one JTable. I Want to limit the size of this JScrollPane. Is there any way out.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
21 years ago
I need help to create a table space and then tables , view to a database (Oracle 8i) on the fly using jdbc. Is there any way out? <b></b>
It is very urgent.

Thanks for info.
Changed as per policy
I need some code for JFreeChart which are fetching data from database and displying line graph.
Thanks in advance,
I am facing a peculier problem.Let me explain the problem.
I have two frames in browser. In the top frame I have down loaded a ms word document. I have made changes into it. In bottom frame I have one button, on click of which I should be able to store modified file to a pre defiened location at server. The server is tomcat apache. I can't store file at client hard disk because i contain sensitive data.
Please help!
Thanks in advance

23 years ago