Anish mathew

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since Oct 31, 2008
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Recent posts by Anish mathew

Hi Ranchers,

I am new to Web services. Following are my queries regarding webservices

1. How a java client can access the webservices?
2. How to pass parameters to web services from java client?
3. How the response from the web services are processed in the client side?
15 years ago

I want to know the exam duration , passing percntage and Number of questions of latest SCBCD
For the following scenario give some of your inputs

scenario:- I am having cluster with two server instances,I want to redirect some requests to first server instances only (Only first server instance should handle this request) and for some other requets to be redirect to second server instance only
15 years ago
Can you please post your plugin file
15 years ago
I am new to WPS and wanted to know how to create Deployment Template on WPS and how to do setup. Any help on this will be greatful.
15 years ago
Hi Ricky,
Its working fine.....Thanks a lot.......Below is the code for any who is facing the same problem...

$AdminApp update BPCECollector_widNode_server1 modulefile {-operation addupdate -contents Z:\IBM\WID61\pf\wps\config\cells\widCell\applications\BPCECollector_widNode_server1.ear\deployments\BPCECollector_widNode_server1\collector.jar -contenturi collector.jar -nodeployejb -MapResRefToEJB {{"BPCEventCollector" "EventTransformer" "collector.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml" "jdbc/OBSERVERDB" "javax.sql.DataSource" "jdbc/BPEDB" "" ""}}}

[ November 06, 2008: Message edited by: ANISH mathew ]
[ November 06, 2008: Message edited by: ANISH mathew ]
15 years ago
Hi Ricky,
I am testing it in WPS Version 6.1.
[ November 04, 2008: Message edited by: ANISH mathew ]
15 years ago
I Issued the Following command to update the jndi name of data resource of deployed application

wsadmin>$AdminApp update BPCECollector_widNode_server1 modulefile {-operation addupdate -contents Z:\IBM\WID61\pf\wps\config\cells\widCell\applications\BPCEColl
ector_widNode_server1.ear\deployments\BPCECollector_widNode_server1\collector.jar -contenturi collector.jar -nodeployejb -MapResRefToEJB {{"EventTransformer" co
llector collector.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml "jdbc/OBSERVERDB"}}}

But i am getting the following error

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 4, Size: 4

Please provide some inputs to this....
15 years ago
I want to change the jndi name of the datasource of a deployed application using python/jacl scripts.The manual steps to do it through admin console is (Application->Enterprise Application-><Application Name>->Resource Reference->Target Resource JNDI Name within the javax.sql.DataSource heading).So Please give some inputs for changing the jndi name through scripts
15 years ago