vipin jos

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since Nov 18, 2008
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Recent posts by vipin jos

Can you check the Tomcat/ Platform JMX for these details?

For example java.lang:type=Runtime - would provide the details of the process. In this check the name attribute - you could see the PID@HOSTNAME. Also other details like JVM settings and path can also be viewed.

Also please take a look in the Catalina:* if the above does not help.

15 years ago
I am not sure if I understood your requirement correctly.

But if this is a deployment requirement, can you please check the Apache httpd mod_jk plugin?

You can define workers( for example the Tomcat server running on 8090) and map a URL pattern to be routed to the worker.

Hope this helps.

15 years ago
If you have an Oracle Metalink account, you could login and go to Metalink doc ID - 763603.1 which is the "BEA Release Archive". From here you can download the historical BEA releases.

You get the following releases that can be downloaded from here.

Oracle Weblogic Server - Version: 6.1 to 10.3
Oracle JRockit - Version: 7.0 to R27.6
Oracle WebCenter Interaction - Version: 5.0 to 6.5.1
Oracle Business Process Management Suite - Version: 6.0.0 to 6.0.5
Oracle Tuxedo - Version: 6.4 to 10.0
Information in this document applies to any platform.

Hope this helps.

15 years ago
HI Mier,

I dont know if this is a good practice...

But we usually give a java option like -DTomcat1 as the first java option.

For example in tomcat we add this in the

JAVA_OPTS="-DTomcat1 -server ................"

So when you do a ps -ef | grep java , we get to see the -D option and can identify the same.

15 years ago
Hi Siva,

You have stated that you are using a JSP and also you have stated that it is on client.

Hope you meant "HTML on client browser". Am I right?

If this is so, you wont have any use with the Listener java class.

I believe you would need to use JavaScript and use ActiveX toolkits like the following.

Hope this helps.

15 years ago
Thanks Ernest. This is a very new information for me.
15 years ago
On Solaris, you could use the file command.

bash-3.00$ file /path/to/java/bin/java
/path/to/java/bin/java: ELF 64-bit LSB executable AMD64 Version 1, dynamically linked, stripped

Check if this helps
15 years ago
Hi Subrahmanyam,

Why can't you created a shared location on the new server? Then either create a new mapping/ mount on your server and place the file.

Would that solve this issue?

15 years ago
I am sorry, but I did not understand that. As per the first post - it is said that "we don't have enough memory (both physical and swap) to support such activity".

So how do we get over the physical/ swap memory restriction through java - by writing a new server or otherwise?

My understanding is that OS is not able to start the new process due to lack of swap. Correct me if I am wrong.
We have faced issues while starting a new Tomcat server on a heavily loaded server. It would say something like "Not enough memory to allocate heap" in the log file and fail.

One solution could be to increase your swap (which obviously you might have tried and failed.
15 years ago
We had faced the same issue.

Refer BEA Documentation on 000513. As per BEA no action required. If it is too frequent and you are getting concerned, I would suggest - register a case with BEA.


Info: Failure in heartbeat trigger for RJVM: id.
Description : This is usually a temporary failure.
Cause : This failure indicates a temporary failure in the heart beat trigger mechanism.
Action : No action is necessary. This is usually a temporary failure.
15 years ago
Hi Agur,

Refer to the BEA documentation on BEA-000802


Error : ExecuteRequest failed
Description : Server was shutdown unintentionally.
Cause : An execute request threw an exception that was not handled.
Action : Please contact BEA support.

Hope this helps

15 years ago
Hi Rajshekhar,

Can you try jmap?

Just be a bit careful while running on production processes.
It halts the process for taking the memory dump. Not a big impact. But you never know.

15 years ago
Check the following code snippet...
Once we get to a case of DATA_AVAILABLE, we need to read until available() > 0
Hope this helps

public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent event) {
switch(event.getEventType()) {
case SerialPortEvent.BI:
case SerialPortEvent.OE:
case SerialPortEvent.FE:
case SerialPortEvent.PE:
case SerialPortEvent.CD:
case SerialPortEvent.CTS:
case SerialPortEvent.DSR:
case SerialPortEvent.RI:
case SerialPortEvent.OUTPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY:
case SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE:
byte[] readBuffer = new byte[11];
char[] data = new char[100];
int numBytes = 0;
try {
while (inputStream.available() > 0) {
numBytes =;
complete+=(new String(readBuffer));

} catch (IOException e) {}
15 years ago
Hi Rob,

I think Fernando meant character "0xb4" when he mentioned "b4". Not "before".

15 years ago
Can you check what is the value you are getting for the following in Windows and Unix?


In windows I get "b4"
0xb4 is the character code.
15 years ago