ronak mehta

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since Aug 14, 2001
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Recent posts by ronak mehta

can interface is intantiated?
if no
interface Inter{}
class A implements Inter
class B extends A
A a=new B();
Inter i=a;
is legal?
int i=0;
char c='a';
is it possible
is i get integer value if yes then how? parseInt give integer value which is conveted in Integer object here am i right? i am clear thank you very much
i the range of the char type is o to 65535 for integer values..
now is it possible that interface extends more than one class?
i know whatever you say and thanks for your reply. but in one exam they say that interface can't implement anything? is it true?

Originally posted by Rashmi Gunjotikar:

The interface just defines a template or skeleton and any class that implements that interface has to provide implementation for all methods defined in it.
Java does not support multiple inheritance. So extending more than one classes is not possible. Therefore the concept of interface aided, as the class can implement any no. of interfaces
Hope thsi helps to clear ur basics!

Is interface can't implement anything? and can it extends so many classes at one time? this is the basic question which i am not knowing can anybody tell me? thanks
my wuestion is can we pass char argument in the method char charAt(int index) in the place of index which is int. one of the exam says yes.
if anybody knows it?
please tell me .
thanks a lot. ronak
i am preparing for java programmer exam. for that i give the different mock exams from Maha Anaa's mock exam page. From which i just gave three exams of the link ............ chard/9362/java/javacert/newboone20-39. html
it contains 70 questions. i gave all the answers and write down it in the paper. now i want to get answer of i can check that how is my performance for that exam and which one i make incorrect.i search a lot but i am not succeed.
if anybody has done that exam and had a link of the answers.please forward it to me. please javaranch memebers help me . i want to give the exam in next week. but although i am confused.i loose my confidence. and yes i want to make more and more practice. that i do now.
thanks ronak.
i am preparing for java programmer exam. for that i give the different mock exams from Maha Anaa's mock exam page. From which i just gave three exams of the link ............ chard/9362/java/javacert/newboone20-39. html
it contains 70 questions. i gave all the answers and write down it in the paper. now i want to get answer of i can check that how is my performance for that exam and which one i make incorrect.i search a lot but i am not succeed.
if anybody has done that exam and had a link of the answers.please forward it to me. please javaranch memebers help me . i want to give the exam in next week. but although i am confused.i loose my confidence. and yes i want to make more and more practice. that i do now.
thanks ronak.
thanks to all who help me. ronak.
u are right. but they give the second one. public abstract void ABC() is abstract class. really it is not right?
What is the output of the following code?
1: int i = 10;
2: int j = ~i;
it is -11 but i didn't get it. becoz 10 in binary is
000......1010. and after bitwise conversion itis
111......0101. so how it will become -11. please help me thanks.