Rajjul Singh

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since Dec 10, 2008
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Try out by desabling TLS, the cause is that your mail server doesn't use TLS so I just disable it in your mail server like this properties.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable","false") ;
14 years ago
I am new to oracle:e-commerce gateway !
It is acting as intermediate between Oracle ERP and EDI translator (Gentran irector).
I need to do the mapping in Gentran: Director to convert EDI standard 'DELFOR' into the flat file that should match the required format by oracle:e-commerce gateway. But I don't know the format of interface file (those are import into oracle:e-commerce gateway) of oracle:e-commerce gateway.

If any one having idea or having sample files, please help me!
It is very urgent.

15 years ago