Siva gurun

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since Dec 15, 2008
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I have added those. But still not able to access the default values in front end. Will able to access values. But I need to pass my own defined values and the below should print 1234.

Please help me on this.
13 years ago

Can anyone help me on this?

I'm using,

In Java class:

In properties file, I'm using:
prop.fieldName.label=Element Number {0}

In output:
I'm getting: Element Number {0}

Actually, I'm looking for: Element Number 1234

Need urgent help.

Thanks in advance.
13 years ago

I'm using netbeans5.5 IDE. Here, if i try access "servletcontextconstants.configurtionfile", i'm getting error like "Unable to find configuration". Do I missed any configuration settings.Can anybody please help me in this issue. Need it very urgent.

Thanks in advance.

Anybody please tell me the use of <html:input name> field used in JSP?

Thanks in advance...
15 years ago

I want to include a JS script code in a JS file. Anybody please help me in doing this?

Thanks in advance..!!
Hi Friends,

I'm using Struts framework. In one of my JSP, I'm using <html:form target="myIframe" ...>. Now, I should not use the iframe & I was supposed to open the target page in a new window with the width-300px & height=200px & it should be drag & minimizable. I dont know, where I should specify the height & width in the <html:form target>. Can any body help me on this. Its very much urgent for me..

Thanks in Advance!!!
15 years ago
I'm using Struts framwork.
In strutsconfig.xml, i'm forwarding a success page to one Jsp file.
In this Jsp file, I want to display the bean property, that whatever i'm setting in my Action file or Businesslogic file. This bean property is a XML content.
Now, I will be able to display through
<html:textarea property="beanPropertyName"/>

But, I dont want to display this property in text area. Because it should be in XML format. Moreover, I'm using iframe in initial jsp page.

If i use, <jsp:useBean.....>,

it, is displaying null value.

Please, give me some solution for this.
15 years ago

I'm new to Struts frame work.
In my project, lot of events are happening in a single JSP page. Can i have more than One Action file for that? Is it like violating Struts standard rule? Please help me in this.... Thanks in advance...
15 years ago
Hi All,

Is there any standard like, we need to use braces for if-else statement, even, "if" or "else" statement contains a single line?
15 years ago
Hi All,

I'm going to write SCJP1.5 on JAN 21. I have read the K&B book properly. What are the things need to be prepared in last 2 days? & what are the things need to be kept in mind?

What are the JAR files required for JBOSS 4.2.2 GA, while connecting to Webservice.

I'm getting SOAP Exception.

Anyone, help me in this?
15 years ago

I think, I got the problem now.

The thing is just not to use JBoss default message factory.So, I need to declare one bean like this.

<bean id="messageFactory" class="">
<property name="messageFactory">
<bean class="com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1.SOAPMessageFactory1_1Impl"></bean>

But, now the problem is, where I need to configure this bean file?

Will any one help me in this....please...!!!

I'm using Struts framework.
15 years ago
Hi jaikiran,

Thanks for your reply.

I debug the code.

Problem is, it is not able to connect to webservice. Thats why, it is throwing the exception.

Let me know, is there anything specifically, i need to create or change in any XML or JAR files for webservices in JBOSS?

And, Will JBOSS4.2.2 GA support Webservice?

Please give me some solution to solve this issue.
15 years ago
Hi Jaikiran,

JBOSS version : JBoss4.2.2 GA
Java Version : JDK1.5
The exception is showing, while accessing the webservice.

[ January 01, 2009: Message edited by: Siva Guru ]

[ January 01, 2009: Message edited by: Siva Guru ]
[ January 01, 2009: Message edited by: Siva Guru ]
15 years ago

One of the module in our application is to call Webservice. Till now, we use Tomcat for deployment. As per need, we moved our application to JBoss. Now, everything is working fine. Except Webservice module. It was showing the below exception. But, the same file is still working fine in tomcat. Anybody, please help me in this issue.

java.rmi.RemoteException: Couldn't create SOAP message factory due to exception: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Unable to create message factory for SOAP:; nested exception is:
message factory due to exception: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Unable to create message factory for SOAP:
15 years ago