Markus Andersson

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since Dec 23, 2008
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I have already made a log4j configuration, and added the set the log4j in debug mode here is the output from the console when I run the application.

lo.html is "my log file" and my_PM.html is "API log file" which I don't mind if it's created or not but it's steeling my log entries.
The problem is that the API I'm forced to use is creating a new log4j appender and all logs are after that handled by that appender.
The API don't have a or log4j.XML files. I guess it's compiled into the code.

I have realized that the new Appender from the API is called A, then I tried to remove that appender

But it stills uses the A appender. I can't access the A appender from the API it's automatically used by the API.

Any good suggestions?
I hope the post is in the correct forum area.

I have a quite annoying problem, I have written an integration between two systems and after all I realize that log4j would be really good for logging.
And I just switched out my regular logger and appended log4j, but there is a problem with the API that I'm using, it has a log4j appender in the precompiled source. Is there a way to just remove that logger? I tried to remove is but with no luck, it still log in the wrong file with the wrong settings when the API has been used.

Any good ideas of how I can disable the API log4j appender?

Best Regards