Rodrigo Tassini

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since Dec 29, 2008
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Recent posts by Rodrigo Tassini

Hey there,

I sent the email with the required data for the Communication Patterns: A Guide for Developers and Architects - Book winner  5 days ago and I still haven't received an acknowledgment of receiving it.

Could you please check?

Best regards,
Rodrigo Tassini
2 months ago
Reading a sample available on Amazon, I'm in doubt about the book's purpose.

Is this about Patterns in communication apps (eg: web services) or communication between teams?
2 months ago
Welcome Jacqui!  It will be a pleasure to read your book!
2 months ago
Welcome! Anxious to watch your course!
3 months ago
Have you've solved this?

I'm having the same problem.
8 years ago
Thanks all.

Oracle create a new JSF Certification. It's in beta version. After SCWCD, I'll try this one.

14 years ago
Hi All,

I have passed SCJP 6 Exam in last saturday.

Thanks JavaRanch.

Go to SCWCD.

Rodrigo Tassini
14 years ago
Hi Prasad Kharkar

I don't found a reference to line 11 in your chart:

Could you explain me this.


Are you using Windows ?

I think the problem is in line 1 of your posted code.

Try to use this:

14 years ago
In real SCJP test the number of correct options is mentioned.
The first thing that happen into a constructor is a implicite call to a super(), but you can insert a call to a overriden constructor whith super(something).
Look for this code.

All constructor has a implicite call for a super().

This line

called a override constructor

then, a call to a super(), without argument, hapened.
The first thing a constructor do, is a call to super().
Sorry, I don't understand.
Don't have a Factory method to DateFormat that receive a TimeZone.
14 years ago
Dear friends,

I have a swing application, that I need only hour and minute, in the DB it's stored with date, time.

My app do this:

The output of syso in the code is that:

2)26/02/2010 12:00

Would anyone knows why the output of a String is not 20/02/2010 09:00 ??
(The format date is to Brazil, then the format is dd/MM/yyyy, MM/dd/yyyy like the USA).

14 years ago