Hi Shoaib,
This mechanism is known as paging.i.e Displaying only a limited amount of records in a page and set a link(either numbering or by having previous,next links)to view the rest.You can implement this method by passing SQL query to the database by providing parameters like From No.of records to To No.of records.i.e if you want to display from 1,10 then you could pass 1,10 in your query(This syntax may vary across databases).In oracle we could use the keyword 'TOP'.
The general formula for doing the above task is (n-1)*25+1,n*25 where n is the page number.If you want to display the first page then u have to display 1 to 25.So the value of n(page number) is 1 here.The formula may be included in the SQL query.
This may be executed by providing page number links like 1,2,3 etc.,and pass the corresponding number to the formula when clicking the link.
I hope this will give u an oral idea.
Thanks & Regards,