Hi all,
I am having a problem with Struts that has me just about at my wit's end, and I would be eternally grateful if someone could lend me a hand. I am running Struts on the JBoss 3.0/Jetty bundle. In my application, when the container attempts to deploy the ActionServlet, I get the following error:
Input/output error reading configuration from resource path /WEB-INF/struts-config.xml
I know that the reason for this problem is that the DTD for the struts-config.xml cannot be located to validate the document. I have tried everything to get around this problem--I have tried specifying the DTD with a local path, with a URL for an internal server at my company, etc. Nothing seems to work--always the same error.
Now, I have opened the struts.jar (which, BTW, *is* included in my webapp's lib directory and nowhere else), and found that it does indeed contain the DTD in question. Why can't my application/servlet container seem to access it?
I have also tried this on the JBoss 3.0/Tomcat 4 bundle, with the exact same results.
Does anybody have any idea how I could remedy this problem?
Thanks much!