Anant Kadiyala

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since Aug 29, 2001
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Recent posts by Anant Kadiyala

We have successfully deployed WLP 8.1 in production. We have been happy with it overall (although there were bugs in SP1, that needed to be ironed out). Can you elaborate on what do you mean by User requirements?
20 years ago
We are using WLS 8.1 sp2. Here is our configuration:
We have Server_A that has 1-way SSL with WLS (with WLS as SSL server).
We are building 2 non-java apps that will be hosted on respective servers:
Server_B will do 1-way SSL with WLS (With WLS as client)
Server_C will do 2-way SSL with WLS
First, is this a plausible configuration to have? Second, how do we configure WLS so that it uses 1-way SSL for some apps and 2-way for others?
20 years ago
I am trying to build a Tree in Workshop 8.1 using netui:tree tag (for data in an XML file).
The BEA docs say that we have to assign the TreeNode object to the 'tree' attribute in the netui:tree tag.
What is the best way to translate the XML doc into a TreeNode object(s)?
20 years ago
Thanks for the posts.
If I were to save the data as a .csv file, is there a way to specify simple Excel formatting (like displaying simple column header names, etc in Excel)?
It is a simple table, but the Excel sheet should not be mere dump of the data. The requirement is that it should be presented in a decent format to the user.
20 years ago
I have a web page (JSP) that renders some data in HTML tables. We would like to have an �export to Excel button� on the page. What is the best way to export HTML data from JSP into an Excel file?
I know that Excel can read HTML and CSV formats. But the requirement is to save the user the trouble of doing the import in Excel. When the user opens the .xls file, they should have everything readily formatted for them. The formatting itself is not very complex. It is a simple table. So, basic column headers and a title for the report would do.
Any ideas??!!
20 years ago
We have the same problem as well. There are two not-easy solutions.
1) Use federated identity management. Get a Netegrity or Oblix that manages the user identity from a central place and all systems authenticate against this.
2) Use SPNEGO protocol. This is a custom Microsoft protocol, but widely relied upon (due to the ubiquity IE). WLS at this time does not have OTB support for this. So you have to deal with very low level stuff yourself. You will need to get into ASN parsing, etc.
I know this does not help, but this is how things are :-) SSO is not an easy beast to tame!
20 years ago
We have a web app in which we capture uid and pwd from the form, store it in session and use it for other purposes in the app.
We would like to encrypt the password when it is stored in the session. What is the best way to do this?
The app server is WebLogic 8.1
20 years ago
At present we have this LDAP query:
I want to modify this query so that it pulls users from both 'userProxy' and 'users' objectClasses.
Can somebody please help me with this?
20 years ago
This is a restriction by AD. 1000 objects is the default setting. You can change this by using a command-line utility 'ntdsutil.exe'
20 years ago
Can you please recommend any good opensource taglib from which I could use the Grid tag?
20 years ago
I am trying to implement a simple Single Sign-on solution and have been having pretty hard time getting it to work! I am wondering if you would be able to help me out..
The description of the problem and the attempts I made are presented below.
We have a web app that is restricted and hosted on IIS (windows 2000) server.
Now, I have a JSP that has the following link:
<a href=""> Secure Page </a>
When the users click on it, they need to be able to access the Secure Page without being prompted for windows challenge (uid/pwd) window. is configured to accept both 'BASIC' and 'Intergrated Windows Authentication'.
In the JSP, I know the username, password and domain. Somehow, I need to pass this authentication info to IIS, so that it does not prompt for uid/pwd pop-up.

Some of the approaches tried:
1) <form name="postForm" action="http://username" method="post" target="_blank" >
<a href="javascript ocument.postForm.submit()"> Secure Page </a>
This thows an HTTP 405 (page expired) error. Even trying to access gives 405 error. Even if this worked, the uid and pwd will be visible in the browser and so, it is not acceptable.
2) Tried setting HTTP headers (appropriately Base64 encoded) but that did not work either. Here, I am not sure if I am soing the right stuff. Tried using the WWW-Authenticate and Authenticate headers.
3) The following link that has a good thread, but it does not address my prob. It is related, but not of direct help.
Any leads that you could provide, would be of HUGE help. This has been giving me sleepless nights for a week! It shouldn't be that hard to accomplish this. Not sure where am I doing it wrong.
21 years ago
We are deploying WebLogic in our company. We just installed it and would like to make sure everything is working fine.
What are the tests conducted to make sure all components of the platform (Portal, Workshop, Integrator, JRockit and Server) are all installed and configured correctly?
Are there any standard suites of tests that are performed commonly in the WLS world when a new installation is done?
21 years ago
For those of you in the .NET certification spree, I found these 2 message boards useful..
In my opinion, GotDotNet is the closest Javaranch equivalent in the .NET world.
If any of you know of other useful sites, please post them as a reply to this one. That way, we have all the resources in one thread.
Syed AliRaza Zaidi also posted some very useful resources. Here are his previous posts..
[ December 14, 2002: Message edited by: Anant Kadiyala ]
Hi Syed,
Thanks for all the wonderful postings on C# exam. I am primarily a Java developer trying to venture into the MS world. I would like to get MCAD certification (eventually). Can you please guide me as to what is the best order to take these exams? I see that u have taken the 70-316 first. Is there any particular reason for that? (I have more web experience than win-GUI development).
How does 70-315 compare with 70-316 in terms of difficulty?
I am very new to .NET and also there are common topics among these exams. I am confused as to whats the best way to attack these exams.
Also please let me know the study plan you followed.
Exactly. My problem is also how deeply are you expected to know. I read Ed Roman couple of times and know it like back of my hand. I also read O'reilly's EJB, Servlets, JSP and RMI books. I have a book on J2EE from WebLogic. Its a good book. I read that couple of times. Ofcourse I read all these not for this exam but in different contexts.
I took the sample IBM test and failed by 1%. I took this test at 2 at night when I was utterly bored. Since I made it so close even when giving it in a bad mood and time, gives me a confidence that this exam should be easy to crack. But couple of people posted that the actual exam is harder than the sample exam. That is not surprising as my 486 exam was MUCH harder than the ICE test.
If you know of any other good resources for this exam, like a web site or know about some mock exams prepared by other enthusiasts, please let me know.