tony franz

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since Sep 04, 2001
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Recent posts by tony franz

Why do you think 3.4 is NOT a valid NMTOKEN?
A NMTOKEN does not have to be a legal XML name -
that is, the usual restrictions on the first character do not apply. The first character can be a number.
Thanks for that answer, Shashank. I can see what the problem with the exam is now.
I did the SCEA Part I recently and faced a lot of those scenario-type questions. I managed to get a good mark - but it wasn't until I got the result that I was even sure I'd passed.
I've got the Xalan processor up and running, and I've decided to also add "Java Web Services" (O'Reilly) to my reading list, since Prof XML doesn't cover this topic very well.
Thanks for the other links.
I'll do my worst!
One thing I'm curious about: if no-one's getting over 80%, is that because they haven't covered certain topics? Or is it because the questions themselves are very difficult?
Can anyone who's passed the exam answer that?
I'm just starting prepare for the XML cert., and I'd like to be sure that the three recommended texts are enough.
Can anyone tell me what the minimum requirements are for my PC if I plan to use the Tomcat server?
I can't seem to fin the info on the Tomcat site.
22 years ago
I'll be starting preparation for the IBM 141 exam soon.
Can anyone who's passed tell me which edition of the Profession XML book to use? I plan to buy the new, second edition. Is there any reason I should go for the first edition instead (apart from price)?
I can only talk about the Sybex book by Natalie Levi. I worked through all the official errata the other day, and I didn't find anything to get excited about. I'd already spotted most of them anyway, and there was nothing that changed my understanding of the topic.
So, yes, they've been a bit negligent on the proof reading, but I'm not going to let that distract me from the job in hand.
I keep reading all these angry postings about errors in the Levi/Heller book, errors in the Javadoc, errors in the specification, and I think....
What an angry bunch the Ranchers can be!
It's an imperfect world, so please calm down. It is disturbing to find supposedly professional documents that contain glaring errors, but at the end of the day we all know: if we work hard, we'll pass this exam and any other they care to throw at us!
Or am I the only one who sees it that way?
I don't really understand all these negative comments about the Levi/Heller. I'm taking the SCWCD exam in two weeks. Until a week ago, I was using "More Servlets and JSPs" from Marty Hall.
But am I glad I bought the Levi book now! I have just finished studying it in detail, and I find it is SO MUCH better as an exam-prep book. Much more focused, much easier to understand, far better structured, and lots of test-yourself questions.
I admit, I haven't tried the CD yet, as I'm leaving that for the upcoming revision phase. But I have no complaints about the book. Yes, there are some errors - but we're adults, I think we can cope with that!
Thanks for your help. I think I'll go for the "More" book, only buying "Core" if I really, really have to. Books are costing me too much already.
I've decided I'm going to try and get the SCWCD exam done start to finsh within six weeks. Tell me I'm mad, but I think I can do it!
Hi, I'm looking for a single book to prepare for the
SCWCD exam (along with the two specs). I've seen Marty Hall's "More Servlets and JSPs" recommended several times.
Do I need read his "Core Servlets and JSPs" first?

After studying Monson-Haefel's EJB book, I've got all the
theory I need. But is there an EJB Server I can run on a
computer with Windows 98 installed?
Any tips would be helpful so that I can get some hands-on
experience of beans.
Okay, thanks for the link.