kiran killedar

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since Sep 04, 2001
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Recent posts by kiran killedar

Shiva Gajjala wrote:Hi friends ,

I would like to attend interviews in java for 3+ years of experience. The problem is that I am not able to recollect all the concepts within 1 or 2 days as java is very vast. I need some content related to core java , advance java ,JEE , hibernate & struts (Spring is optional) ,so that I can go through it and prepare within 1 day just before the interview. I have gone through the interview questions through google but that was not satisfying because the explanation was not clear. This might help others too who ever is attending interview.
Thanks .

Go through below blog which covers lots of interview question. Still i would request understand the concepts or else even if you get the job you will not able to perform.

10 years ago
It depends upon your requirement i feel java beans is the best solution in jsp .
23 years ago
U can go for any editor which meintained above but for debugging visual age bye ibm is very good.i mean you can use ibm test environment.
23 years ago
Hi all,
Actually i have got one class in that i am refering some other classess but at the time of compilation i don't want that classes to be exist.
I have got a condition that's flag if the flag is true then i will provide all classes but if it is false i can't.
Is there any way to do that.
23 years ago
Hi all,
I am working on WAS & i am new to it.
I have created ejb & deployed successfully but from my java application i am getting the above error.
If any help pls let me know
thanks a lot
23 years ago