Pratik Bhavsar

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since Feb 04, 2009
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Recent posts by Pratik Bhavsar

I am also using StarUML. It is my understanding that we can embed images in the HTML documents we create.
Yes, that is my understanding.
showing, signifying, or pointing out; expressive or suggestive.

From this definition indicative cost means suggested or approximate cost. The 'IMS' should be able to calculate this based on house design and features.

Final cost would be decided upon during the consultation.

This would be similar to MSRP (Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price) for a new car and the final price is decided by the car dealer.

I Hope this makes sense.
I would also like to get some answers on the questions posted above.
On the same lines, if I have a find operation, do I have to show the Query object on the sequence diagrams?

Please help.

Thank you.
You are right. The wording of the usecase-1 can be confusing. I don't think product mention in uc-1 is the 'Product' from domain model. I think they are using the words product and component interchangeably to mean wall, foundation, roof, door, window in the domain model.
In my Part 2 assignment, there is a requirement to integrate with an external web-service.

Should this web service be represented in the class diagram using the @WebserviceRef notation?


Just show it in the component diagram as an external system?


Do both?

Please help.

Thank you.
Will transaction propagation occur if using unmanaged POJO as DAO?
There is no usecase to save Incomplete Designs. Therefore, I would not add a class for that. I am considering House as incomplete design for web interactions.
The design and diagrams in the study guide by Cade and Sheil are very high level (No design patterns, except front controller). Has anybody passed the exam with such high level design or is everybody just trying to put as much detail as possible into the design?

I am very confused on this. Please help.

Thank you.

I want to store client state in the HttpSession. How do I show HttpSession in the class diagram?

Please help.

Thank you.
Which section are you describing your patterns in? The only descriptive sections are assumptions and risks. Everything else is diagrams.

I am assuming you are working on the factor homes assignment.

I have the same question. The Basic flow for Search and Add Item are exactly the same. Please let me know if you have resolved this issue.
I am working on the Factory Homes assignment.

The first two uses cases are Search Component Catalog and Add Item to House Design. However, the Basic Flow for both is exactly the same.

Is it okay to add the following step to the second usecase?

5. Customer adds selected component to current house design.

Please help.