B Porter

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since Feb 04, 2009
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Recent posts by B Porter

Hello All,

I am trying to set up an application that is designed to act somewhat like a datasource but for a proprietary software connection.
I have made a POJO that I want to bind to a jndi context.

Afterwards I want to use an EJB to look up the pojo and grab one of the 'datasource-like' resources. I have been doing research on this
and I am curious, there is plenty of talk about trying to EJB lookups from pojos but not the reverse. Is it possible? And if so, would it be
just a call to the name in jndi?

Thanks in advance,
Hello Everyone,

So, as promised I wanted to post back my resolution to the issue I presented. I ended up using JMS as implemented by JBOSS Messaging on JBOSS AS 5 to solve my issues. I remained concerned about the thread safety and so went with the EE solution.

I ended up creating an object message and a queue and fed into the object my parameters for the web service. Then I picked up the message with an MDB and made the call out to the JAX-WS web service...

Works Great and seems to scale very well!

Thanks again Ranchers,
15 years ago
Thanks Reza!

I will look into this - my instance of JBoss AS 5 is an all instance, so I thought I would be good with that but I will look into it.


I have been working through the great resource EJB3 in Action and have come across a problem pertaining to the MDB samples for JBoss.
I am using JBoss AS 5.0.1 and attempting to use the syntax from the samples for Chapter 4 of the book and I keep getting the error returned
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: ShippingRequestQueue not bound

Has anyone successfully deployed this set of samples or is there something else I am missing?

Thanks for the insight and recommendations.

I will post back my resolution to the problem for completeness when I finish my implementation.

15 years ago
Do you ranchers think that integrating Quartz job scheduler into the solution would work? I am considering a job that is kicked off per request.

Also, what do you think about integrating Quartz with web service calls in general?

Thanks again for the insights,
15 years ago
Hello All,

I am having problems with a web service I have made for an application using Jax-ws and @Oneway annotation.

I am expecting that with the @Oneway annotation I can pass my parameters off to the web service and allow it to process data concurrently with control
returned to my calling thread as soon as parameters are passed off.

Instead it appears that the processing must be finished before control is relinquished to the calling thread.

Am I misunderstanding the way @Oneway works? or is there some subtlety to it I am missing?

Thanks for any help,
15 years ago
Sorry for the confusion -
You have a dump off table for the listener bean

Then you have another table for the Entity bean

Thanks for your patience,
B Porter
I hope the following is an appropriate plan

So I am going to try the following:

Set up a stateless Session bean with a timer function to query an input table for new rows.

New row(s) show up
Make a call to an Entity Bean that will input the new data in its appropriate table

Have a separate stateless Session bean that is called by first bean to do other business logic on
the data that is now in table.

My question - does this seem like a scalable/smart way of doing this?

Thanks for any suggestions,
B Porter
Thanks for the reply.

I do have a column/field that I write to after I detect a change to prevent duplicate data grabs.

The problem is that I don't know what type of bean I should be using to do this kind of work if I
wanted to use EJBs to do this portion of the work.

So, what is the best EJB construct to do this? Which flavor of EJB should I be grabbing the data with
and for detecting the change (I am just using a timer and a jdbc call every 10 seconds right now).

Thanks Again for your time,
B Porter
Hello All,

I am currently beginning to work with EJBs. I am trying to decide if and what flavor bean (or other JavaEE technology) I should use for the following problem:

I need to look for changes to a database table every x seconds. Of course, if a change is detected, I need to then do something based on that change. Then
I would need to change another field in the database so that when I come back to it in x seconds, I do not detect the same change multiple times.

What would be the best approach for dealing with this problem?

Thanks in advance for any help,
B Porter