parvez kmp

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since Sep 13, 2001
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Recent posts by parvez kmp

hi there
Is it possible to configure a connection pool in weblogic 6.0 with mysql as the backend??
if yes please tell me how?? Thanks in advance
add to the autoexec file
set ANT_HOME=c:\Program Files\Jakarta Tomcat 4.0
22 years ago
we r using jdk1.3.We wrote a program (JSP file)to connect to the database.
Regarding number of records in the table we have used ResultSet object.getFetchSize().
We r getting error that method getFetchSize() not found in ResultSet interface.
We r using Tomcat server for JSP
we have used a dll in windows platform.Now we have to shift to Linux can anyone tell me how to use this dll in linux and where it is to be placed.I heard that dll file is to be converted to .so file.
please let me know what is to be done and where it is to be placed.
23 years ago