Bijj shar

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since Mar 11, 2009
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Recent posts by Bijj shar

Some points:

Standardized issues:

1. Depends too heavily on Java syntax
2. Problem for Client side developer (HTML authors) who is not very familiar with Java syntax
3. Very hard to debug and maintain the code
4. It doesn't allows methods to be called with arguments

Proprietary solution:

1. It separate the Client side developer (HTML authors) from the programmers
2. Designers can change the appearance of a page without programmers having to change or recompile code
3. Templates do not become polluted with complex program fragments
4. It allows methods to be called with arguments
5. Templates can be loaded from a JAR on a remote server
We are planning to use FreeMarker as an alternative to jsp in one of our project. Would somebody please give idea about FreeMarker

1. What is the stability if use in large project or is there any functionality limitation issue?
2. Any starting tutorial which show examples how to use with servlet?
3. Is there any plugin available for eclipse?
4. How can we get support for FreeMarket?

Thanks a lot!
I found solution. We should be very careful when generating client from wsdl file below are points should consider

1. All parameters should be set in same order as mentioned in wsdl
2. Sometime you will get wsdl files where request and response not properly mapped. You should be very careful and look request and response parameter if any thing missing from response add explicitly.

It worked for me.

14 years ago
Hi-I am trying to access web service and I created web service client in NetBeans 6.7.1 but when I run client program get below error

java.rmi.RemoteException: Runtime exception; nested exception is:
deserialization error: unexpected XML reader state. expected: END but found: START: visaType
at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.StreamingSender._handleRuntimeExceptionInSend(
at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.StreamingSender._send(
at accountManagement_1A1.AccountManagementEndPoint_Stub.getAccount(
at mainclass.Test.main(
Caused by: deserialization error: unexpected XML reader state. expected: END but found: START: visaType
at com.sun.xml.rpc.encoding.literal.LiteralObjectSerializerBase.deserialize(
at accountManagement_1A1.AccountManagementEndPoint_getAccount_ResponseStruct_LiteralSerializer.doDeserialize(
at com.sun.xml.rpc.encoding.literal.LiteralObjectSerializerBase.internalDeserialize(
at com.sun.xml.rpc.encoding.literal.LiteralObjectSerializerBase.deserialize(
at accountManagement_1A1.AccountManagementEndPoint_Stub._deserialize_getAccount(
at accountManagement_1A1.AccountManagementEndPoint_Stub._readFirstBodyElement(
at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.StreamingSender._send(
... 2 more

Would anybody please help me on this..

14 years ago
Actually procedure should be save all data in data base and generate monthly report in xls sheet format. I don’t understand why all data writing requirement in same xls sheet in every 30 minute. I could think simple scenario if machine crashes or xls modified or deleted where will find the backup data means all data will be lost.

Don’t mind if you are not agree…
1. Where is question of writing JDBC code to handle transaction of you use EJB?
2. Why do you think that iterating result set is error prone?
3. Why do you think that if you handle transaction in store procedure you will have to write whole business logic in store procedure?
4. Why do you think that it is difficult to debug store procedure or enterprise java code?
5. Any way if use JSF on application layer then you will have to use jsp for client side.
6. Struts have plenty of in built custom tag to iterate object on jsp.
7. There is no need to write form and action for every jsp if use struts.
If you build application with JSF, Hibernate and spring it means you are simply making complex application not easy to maintain.
If your application need transaction handling and according to you user load is 600 is not big so I would suggest use Struts and EJB. I will suggest don’t use Hibernate. You could integrate spring anytime to your application but I don’t think it is required. You can handle transaction either from ejb or store procedure. This will be very simple and you could build application very less time without highly expert coder.

Thanks for letting me know to use Code Button. What error you are seeing in present condition please explain and user has asked about read and write data in file and he is reading data from existing file why you are giving him suggestion out of box.
15 years ago

[edit]Add code tags. CR[/edit]
15 years ago
thanks. Could you please tell me steps
if you want to deploy on two different server answer is yes Or if you can pack in single ear and deploy on server
Can we debug jsp in Eclipse.