M. Sunil

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since Mar 24, 2009
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Recent posts by M. Sunil

Yes. I am trying to write into a port to which no device is connected. Is there any way to make the driver believe that there is a device connected. Say by pushing some pins to high. I have a dll and a program in c# to write to the port and it works. i have tested it with a multi meter.
14 years ago

I am trying to write into the parallel port using rxtx jars. The opening of the port is fine but when it comes to writing it somehow detects that there is no device connected. I am trying to use a mutlimeter to detect the data bits[using pins 2 ,3 ,..] [high and low]. So can somebody tell me how i can run the program without getting this exception.
14 years ago
I have an applet trying to access the com port. I have to bundle the entire application. I would like to know if there is some way in which i can specify the javax.comm.properties file in the package so that the client may not need to manually include the file.

Hope i'm clear.
14 years ago
i have a problem with the serial port not able to check the carrier detect. The isCD()[carrier detect] method is returning false in the case of virtual usb connection to the device. On windows it works fine.This happens in the case of linux systems only.
can anybody help.
14 years ago
but jpcap libraries are for packet sniffing. Does it allow me to disable tcp layer responding to the client.[like sending the ACK]
Is there some kind of a listener we can register to find out the packets we receive and then manually send all the packets and prevent the protocol layer from sending the packets
I want to delay the sending of an ACK in TCP for a FIN( socket close) from a client. How can i go about doing that
i am facing a delay in the showDialog method displaying a message box. It's not happening on all systems. can somebody tell me what i am doing wrong.

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "JposException with message = " + e.getMessage() + " and errorCode = " + e.getErrorCode(),
"JposException occurred", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );

Thank you
15 years ago