Dominik Scholz

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since Mar 30, 2009
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Recent posts by Dominik Scholz

Hi there,
i'm using a JBoss App Server for authentication which works like 50%.
When my session expires im redirected correctly to my login page but when i login again i get a ViewExpiredException.
So i guess he tries to restore the old session but if i reload the page it is displayed correct.
Can anybody tell me how i can get rid of the old view? Do i need to create a Filter/Listener for that?

my Stacktrace:

15 years ago
Hi there,
i had a similar problem where i needed to color the background differently for each selectItem.
I replaced the SelectItems with a booleanCheckbox and an outputText inside a repeater.
This way you could add a commandLink easily.
15 years ago
You could try:

Call this function with the "dropDown" onselect attribute to redraw the form around your datatable.
But i don't know if your data will be already refreshed due the valuechange event.
15 years ago

does this help you?
15 years ago
I just started too develop for Jboss but maybe I can help.
I run Jboss 5.0.0 in my Eclipse and to make sure the changes i made to Java classes are present, i completely clean all Deploys from the Server and deploy them again.
Sometimes i even have to do it twice to get my changes. (Could see it when i debugged into the Java Bean).
I will update to 5.0.1 soon because there are some deployment fixes for 5.0.0. (like the double deploy), but i don't know if this problem were already present in 4.0.3.
15 years ago
17:12:43,915 DEBUG [quiz.quiz.WissensQuizHandler] WissensQuizHandler.setErgebnisse (Ergebnisse schreiben)

You're the best! Thanks a lot!

I knew it would be something stupid...
15 years ago
Done a workaround with a ValueChangeListener but the problem still persists

12:52:35,461 DEBUG [quiz.quiz.WissensQuizHandler] Mit welchen Fragen kann ich das Gespräch am besten steuern?
12:52:35,461 DEBUG [quiz.quiz.WissensQuizHandler] []OLD
12:52:35,461 DEBUG [quiz.quiz.WissensQuizHandler] [geschlossene Fragen]NEW // the answer i selected
12:52:35,461 DEBUG [quiz.quiz.WissensQuizHandler] j_id_jsp_999753246_15ID

15 years ago
Hi all,
i started with Java and JSF two weeks ago and made quite some progress (at least i think so ) thanks alot to many posters here!

I 'm writing an OnlineQuiz where Questions, Answers and Results are read from a DB and displayed, but now i got a problem
which i can't solve because any example given is just like the way i've written it.

The possible answers are displayed but no matter if the boxes are checked or not the set property is never called only the get

JSF part:

bean part

NewQuiz is an Object of Quiz which has an ArrayList Property with all answers per question as Strings.
When the button is clicked the index of the questions ArrayList is increased and the next question and the answers are written into the properties
and loaded into the form.

Please can anybody help me? I'm stuck here now for for two days trying many possible ways to achieve what i need and i have no ideas left.
I even have written a method to analyze the results already which i never get...

P.S. "Frage" = Question, "Antwort" = Answer and "Ergebnis" = Result
15 years ago