santhosh.R gowda

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since Apr 06, 2009
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Recent posts by santhosh.R gowda


I had a large string content which consists of more than 10 thousand words, hence each time i called the respective java the string gets initialized,so it hits performance,is there any way to improve performance?
12 years ago

When i download pdf , bmp files from the server thats running in tomcat 5.5.20 it takes a lot of time. Please suggest on any parameters to improve the same.

13 years ago
Hi All

I need to find duplicate values in ArrayList is there any method to find duplicate values..?


List list = new ArrayList();

Here a and c are duplicate values.

i need the output as [a,c]

I already done using set but i need Any API to solve

*i need not use any iteration logic to find just i need any API to find*

13 years ago
Dear James

Please can you explain your answer more clearly...
14 years ago
Dear All

As we know if we make class final the class cant be extend by another class

so my question is if we make class final what is the use of making methods final even though we cant override that method because we cant extending the class
so why in java API String methods are final
14 years ago
Dear All,

In collection i saw where they are recommanding to use List l= new ArrayList();
why not ArrayList l= new ArrayList();

14 years ago
Dear All,

As my server is throwing out of memory error and i'm using 4 GB RAM in my server
and when when my application is running its displaying out of memory Error and even though i had written one program to check free memory its displaying TotalMemory =64MB and free memory = 42 MB if i set heapsize in commond promt is it effect the tomact using the heap or i want to set it in tomcat level

Please Can anybody shed some light on this

14 years ago
Dear All

As we know in Downcasting we need to specify the class name (Hardcoded)


Is it possible to make dynamically like i ll aasign the' y ' to one string value
14 years ago

Seetharaman Venkatasamy
14 years ago
Dear All,

I'm having one requirement such that 0001 should be incremented to 0002 but when we use regular + operator its giving 2 instead of 0002 how to add including zeros also

14 years ago
Dear All

Kindly help me in converting the Microsoft word 2007/10 to Microsoft word 2003 .Which Api can i use in this work and suggetion's
14 years ago
Dear All,

Please can any body tell the performance of enhanced for loop and for loop in execution
14 years ago
Dear All,

in my web.xml

in server.xml

Java code

Its printing " javax.naming.NamingException: Cannot create resource instance"

Im using Tomcat 6.0

please give me hand in this issue i'm worried from last two days

Bean Class


Java code to acces

I'm getting the following exception

javax.naming.NamingException: Cannot create resource instance

14 years ago
Dear All,

I want to know the difference between Collection<?> and Collection<Object>

they are telling

Object is not a super type of all kinds of collections

Please can you elaborate this statement because Object is super of all the kinds as i know
14 years ago