Joe Murray

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since Sep 19, 2001
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Got mine today (Jul 12) from Amazon with their super saver free shipping. I think that means they walk it from the warehouse to my mailbox. anyway, I ordered it on June 25th before it was in stock and it was shipped on the 3rd.
Experience is the measuring stick of being qualified to do a job. Not pieces of paper.
Programming languages and computer hardware come and go. The fundamentals of programming like algorithms remain constant. You people who get certifications and think that it is better than a BS in Computer Science drive me up the walls. The Computer Science degree is arguably the most difficult degree path in any university and those that discount it have no idea what they are talking about.
The other people that annoy me are the Computer Information Systems majors in school (who I refer to as Microsoft Excel majors) when they say they did the same thing as me in college.
Just my $0.02
I'm planning on going for my OCP cert. Are there any free practice tests for the 1Z0-007? That's the new Oracle9i SQL test in their 9i track.
[ March 19, 2002: Message edited by: Joe Murray ]
Here's my situation:
I set the classpath on my server to nothing. Here is my server command line:
java\server\db.policy -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=file:/server.jar -jar server.jar C:\Project\db.db
I had the drive letter c:\ in the codebase but I read somewhere that a drive letter is a badly formed url, so I took it out. Whatever. Didn't help.
My main method in the server bundle contains these lines:
System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());
LocateRegistry.createRegistry(1099); // loads the rmiregistry
FBNServer._rmiServ = new RMIServerImplementation(dbname); //static implementation of the interface
Naming.rebind("/FBNServer", _rmiServ );

On the client machine, I set the classpath to nothing (or client.jar, same results). The command line looks like this:
java\client\db.policy -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=rmi://ipadd/FBNServer/ -jar client.jar -remote ipaddress
The naming lookup line looks like this:
_rmiInterface = (RMIInterface)Naming.lookup("rmi://ip/FBNServer");
I'm still getting the Stub class not found error.
What I've tried:
- running the rmiregistry separately with no classpath and with the classpath to the server.jar.
- running the extracted jars with and without classpaths set.
- setting the codebase of the client to the server.jar, to the url: rmi://ipadd/FBNServer/, and also not having a codebase.
- rmic-ing the Stub file with a classpath set to the server.jar, to the extracted classes directory, and with no classpath set.
The only thing that does work is if the client and server are running on the same machine. Rather useless for a distributed application
Does the Stub have to be in the client bundle in order for the program to work? If so, what the is the point of RMI if after every change to the server you have to build a new client and redistribute it. If not, why doesn't the stub get picked up by my client?

Originally posted by chakri ch:
And of course stub class should be present in both the client and server side. That is it should be accesible to both client and server. So copy the stub class file and put that in the client folder too (if at all it is in different directory)

That is the same problem that I am having right now. I thought the RMI client was supposed to download the Stub when it attempts to access the server?
23 years ago
I think that it's a misconception to think that Bin Ladin hates America for religious reasons. I've learned over the years that when someone says "It's not about the money," it's exactly about the money. He wants us out of Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Middle East so he can gain control of the oil there.
Bin Ladin is brilliantly using a religion facade to try to turn the rest of the muslim population against us. Little do they know that they would be next if Bin Ladin were to succeed.
[This message has been edited by Joe Murray (edited September 19, 2001).]
23 years ago
You're not going to get sh*t for a raise in this economy. My company pays for the exams if I pass and that's it.
Sometimes consulting firms will give you the raise because they can bill you out at a higher rate when you have more certifications. But it's doubtful with jobs few and far between now.
I know that the confusion is intentional by Sun but check this out.
"The remote client code that you write must provide all the public methods of the suncertify.db.Data class."
In my assignment (which I've nearly completed, except some docs)I'm assuming that this will mean that my Remote interface will contain accessor methods to all the public Data methods in whether I use them or not (such as add or delete).
Also my assignment reads that criteriaFind on the database will perform a search on 2 pairs of criteria and parameter. The user interface instructions read that the "user should be able to select the origin and destination of flights, and the display should update to show only flights that satisfy those criteria." Did you guys that passed the test implement a full blown search engine allowing the UI to search by any columns or did you just search by the Origin, Destination?