Kumar Ala

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since Apr 30, 2009
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I have created webservice client based on this link http://px.pats.no/px/Eclipse_tutorial.html I do realize that i am using WSDL1.1 specification.

From my WSDL i have the following serivce part

service name="BAPI_CUSTOMER_DISPLAYService" documentation SAP Service BAPI_CUSTOMER_DISPLAY via SOAP documentation port name="BAPI_CUSTOMER_DISPLAYPortType" binding="s0:BAPI_CUSTOMER_DISPLAYBinding" soap:address location="http://**:8000/sap/bc/soap/rfc" port service

Following is my client BAPI_CUSTOMER_DISPLAYService locator = new BAPI_CUSTOMER_DISPLAYServiceLocator(); URL urlLocation; urlLocation = new URL("http://**:8000/sap/bc/soap/rfc");


BAPI_CUSTOMER_DISPLAYBindingStub sapStub = new BAPI_CUSTOMER_DISPLAYBindingStub(urlLocation,locator);



I am getting the following error AxisFault faultCode: {http://xml.apache.org/axis/}HTTP faultSubcode: faultString: (403)Forbidden faultActor: faultNode: faultDetail: {}:return code: 403 This service requires client certificate for authentication procedure. {http://xml.apache.org/axis/}HttpErrorCode:403

(403)Forbidden at org.apache.axis.transport.http.HTTPSender.readFromSocket(HTTPSender.java:744) at org.apache.axis.transport.http.HTTPSender.invoke(HTTPSender.java:144) at org.apache.axis.strategies.InvocationStrategy.visit(InvocationStrategy.java:32) at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.doVisiting(SimpleChain.java:118) at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.invoke(SimpleChain.java:83) at org.apache.axis.client.AxisClient.invoke(AxisClient.java:165) at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invokeEngine(Call.java:2784) at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(Call.java:2767) at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(Call.java:2443) at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(Call.java:2366) at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(Call.java:1812) at functions.rfc.sap.document.sap_com.BAPI_CUSTOMER_DISPLAYBindingStub.BAPI_CUSTOMER_DISPLAY(BAPI_CUSTOMER_DISPLAYBindingStub.java:234) at functions.rfc.sap.document.sap_com.SAPClient.main(SAPClient.java:33)

Any help is appreciated. My intention is to consume services with any java technologies. This is Urgent.
13 years ago
I have a question about struts2 file upload. I am using struts2 fileupload interceptor for my application. Things are smooth until multiple users try to upload larger files and that would throw the JVM error. That is because while uploading file until it gets the full file everthing is stored in the memory. So obviously at some time it reaches the max. size.

Any solution to solve this by setting something like a threshold such that once that size reached it automatically unload from the memory.
Hope you guys got my question..?

14 years ago
Hi ,
Is there anyone who used Uploadify Javascript library for uploading multiple files..? I need some help in this.

Yes David. I am trying to Zip the files and download. But i wanted to send the stream back to Browser rather than storing the Zip file in to the server.
Hope you got the question now.
This i am doing because i can save some time for download file wihtout saving on the server as our client is expected to download big files.
14 years ago
Hi ,

I am able to download file successfully if it is single file. But the issue comes when i try to download multiple files.
I am zipping the files and trying to downaload after creating the zipfile on the server. I would like to download without saving the zipfile on the server. Has anyone tried the same..?
Hope you guys got my question. Any help is appreciated.

14 years ago
Can you guide me some site or article on implementing multifile upload with Flash...? I have been looking for this.

Hi All,
Can anyone through some light how gmail attachments work now a days.
Previously it was like we have to make selection of browser button for each file. but now we can select multiple files using same browser button. I have the similar requirement with my client.
Any help is appreciated.
I Guess Ulf's solution might work for me here.
Yes Eric surely user don't want to click on each file to be downloaded.

Ulf can you let me know how we can achive this to download using Zip file...?
It is somethins like i will have list of files and user selectes some file from the list and tried to download. I don't know where i should handle this to zip and download.


I am trying to donwload multiple files with single button click. (Can't use PHP or any .NET technologies)
In my case it doesn't work with having single link for each file. Client is not ready to click on each link to download files.

Let me know if you need any other information.

OK David... i understand that struts2 can't do anything for this multiple file downloading.
Is there any other way..?
Hi All,
Is it possible to go for multiple file download from struts2..? Any help is appreciated.

I used

EJB 3 in Action for EJB3 - Just read basics from that.
Java EE 5 tutorial for JSF basics. No need to read all the details. Bascis should be enough.
You can just google for JSF basics & EJB 3 basics for some presentations(SUN presentations). No need to get in to implementation details.

Hope this helps.

Thanks a lot to Javaranch. I was able to clear SCEA part-1.
I am sure that i learned many things in J2EE from the day i started the serious preparation.

I would like to share my experiences , which might be useful for the people who are planning to take SCEA part 1.

Make sure to call the test center 1 day before the test.(I faced this problem when i went to take test on time, test center people said that the servers are down from 1 week and they never informed me before.Luckly i got the slot in other test center same day after 3 hours).

1) I did follow Javaranch - This is the key to my success... Thanks to everyone in this group.
2) I used MZ's notes(Read until you understand concepts clearly),Mark Cade (Old version), EJB3 basics , JSF Basics, Lot of IBM articles on J2EE.
3) JWS White paper - Essential . Suggest to have clear understanding of JWS & Applet.
4) Don't forget to see the JAVA EE - FAQs
5) Took Sun's Mock Exam and Whizlab's Mock Exams both are useful though they are easy.


Can anyone provide me the Redbooks link for IBM 669 - SOA Fundamentals.