Grant Harper Prellwitz

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since May 13, 2009
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When we use the Builder Pattern, we seem to create an instance (object) of the static nested class Builder. That instance holds the member variables that are used to instantiate and then return an instance of the encapsulating class. I'm trying to wrap my head around the idea that the static Builder class actually has an instance, and what happens to it once it returns the instance of the encapsulating class. Are there two copies of the data taking up memory, one in the Builder object and the other in the encapsulating object? Is the data for the Builder class subject to garbage collection?

I think my block stems from the problem that I continue to associate the static keyword with meaning that what it is describing is associated with the class and thus never instantiated, not an object. In this case, it seems to indicate merely that you can access the nested class even in the absence of an instance of the encapsulating class. But that still leaves my question about hte persistence of the data in the two classes once it has built the encapsulating class.

Can someone clarify this for me?

Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I have a similar issue, and I can't seem to find a resolution. I’ve inherited a Struts 1.1 application, and could use some assistance.

As above, after a user submits a form, the application does a redirect. That is causing the browser to attempt to reach the application server hosting the application (http://appserver:8080/MyApp), not the external Apache 1.3 web server that front-ends it (https://webserver/MyApp).

So for example:
The user logs in and goes through a series of screens. These are traversed using a standard FORWARD, which works fine. The user then fills in a form at https://webserver/MyApp/ObjectiveWizard3.jsp which posts to
/MyApp/, which then REDIRECTS to /MyApp/ This redirect is hard-coded in the application, not in the struts-config.xml.

The problem is that the app server then sends back a “302 Moved Temporarily” response with Location: http://appserver:8080/MyApp/
I tried using <html:base />, but it is inserting a <base> tag referring to appserver, not webserver.
This is despite having in default-web-site.xml:
<frontend host="webserver" port="443" />

The application server is Oracle AS10g (10.1.2), which has an Apache (OHS) instance listening on 8080, connected to a J2EE container on 12053 using AJP 1.3. The external web server is on a Solaris box, and refers to the internal application server by IP, because it isn't even visible on the domain controller or entered into the hosts file. There's a firewall between these two boxes, with the requisite ports opened.

We have the following in the httpd.conf on the external Apache instance:
ProxyPass /MyApp/
ProxyPassReverse /MyApp/
(where is a representation of the internal IP address of the AS10g box and 8080 is the port that the OHS is listening on.)

Previously, it was deployed to an Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J) 9.0.4 container on Solaris, front-ended by the same Apache 1.3 on another Solaris box.

I haven't done any Struts work in a few years, and am at a loss here . Any ideas are welcomed!
15 years ago