ratan lal

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since May 28, 2009
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Recent posts by ratan lal

Dear Sagar Rohankar,

Thank you very much for your reply and telling to me my spelling mistake in struts word. Which Struts should i learn S1 or S2 job point of view. If i learn S2 directly without any knowledge of S1, will in interview they not ask question related to S1.

With Regards
14 years ago
Actually I want to learn struts. It is totally core for me. Someone told me that it has two version or type strust 1 or strust 2. Which should i learn strust1 or strust2. Please suggest me good book for that also. One more thing, is it mandatory that for learning complete strust i have to frist learn strust1 then strust 2 or i can direct learn strust 2.

Thank in advance
14 years ago
Sorry, from now i will call you suchit
14 years ago
Thank Sir Once again, i will try to use it , if there will be any confussion related to that i will call you.

And one
14 years ago
Thanks for your quick response but i have still confussion with your onload word. Is Page Onload means jspInit method.
14 years ago
Actually i designed a page in jsp that show all the user that are registered but not activated by admin. This page show name of inactivated user & activate button with each user name . When i click on activate button a java script function call that execute another jsp page, in which write code for activate that user. when status of activation is updated in database i wrote response.sendRedirect() for calling previvous page where it show my user name and active button. But problem is that it still show that user name in page which i just activated . I think that is due to not refresh data which i just update before send redirect .i am using MS-Access Database .
Please tell me what should i do. Thank in advance

14 years ago
Actually i want to print out message in another method that is other than doPost or doGet method. For that i think i have to create HttpResponse object so that i can call it's getWriter method to get PrintWriter in that method.
14 years ago
Could you tell me can i create HttpResponse's object or server can create when service method will call. if yes then how.

14 years ago
Thank you Sir for your repy, Now i am clearly understood.

Yes Sir, I understood your point ,but my meaning of saying is that can we not do it with help of Servlet or Ajax is only my alternate.
Thank for your reply but my problem is still unsolved bcs I donot know AJAX and submit button call my Service method in place my specefic method which i want to call on button click.
Actually defined a method in servlet to delete a row from table. I want to call it on click of button .For that what i will write in java script on button onclick event.