Jhon Ortiz

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since May 28, 2009
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Recent posts by Jhon Ortiz

Thanks a lot for your help Tim Halloway,

By default the configuration project searchs for that files or composite components, in WebContent/resources. I have moved that files from a sub-folder (resources) to the root folder, now everything is working.

Thanks again for your support.

John Ortiz
11 years ago
Someone can help me with this issue? Thanks in advance.
11 years ago
Hi all!

I'm following CoreServlets.com JSF 2.0 (http://goo.gl/D3qwj), now I'm located at ui:repeat and Handling Variable-Length Data (http://goo.gl/SdKrk). in the example: http://www.apps.jsf2.com/looping/composite-component.jsf I have a problem with a XML namespace: xmlns:utils="http://java.sun.com/jsf/composite/util" in Eclipse. This is warning message in the editor:

NLS missing message: CANNOT_FIND_FACELET_TAGLIB in: org.eclipse.jst.jsf.core.validation.internal.facelet.messages

I have checked JSTL JSF implementations, and they are included in the project: http://goo.gl/WGT8F

I have tried: replace libraries, copy and paste the entire example, reload the project, restart Eclipse, etc., but the problem persists.

Can you give me some orientation about this issue?

Note: I'm using JBoss Tools 3.

Thanks in advance.

John Ortiz
11 years ago
I have solved the problem. It only consisted in add some symbols to EL in study-plan-input.xhtml, and remove a error from study-plan.xhtml (ui:repeat).

Thanks anyway.
11 years ago

I'm learning JSF, and I following this tutorial: http://goo.gl/a99Ln (from: http://www.coreservlets.com). In section about Prepopulating Input Fields I have created the necessary forms and classes, as follows:

- study-plan-input.xhtml: http://pastebin.com/qqzVLkCm

- TrainingForm.java: http://pastebin.com/9ZpLhZx0

- LanguageUtils.java: http://pastebin.com/ir1k5B8g

- study-plan.xhtml: http://pastebin.com/0Djshf15

- liar.xhtml: http://pastebin.com/30Y0S4mG

But when I try to test the code directly from the browser it does not do anything. I have tried change properties names, checked the entire code on http://goo.gl/a99Ln, run in other browsers, but I haven't solved the problem...

What is happening with this example? Can you help me with that?

Thanks in advance for your help!

So long!
11 years ago
I have solved this (thanks Paul Chapham)

I have used this class (found in: http://goo.gl/Ko97M):

My own method now looks like this:

So long.
Paul Clapham,

Can you show me a simple example about extract attribute values from an XML element like: <yweather:forecast day="Tue" date="24 Apr 2012" low="9" high="17" text="Cloudy" code="26" />

Or you can give me some ideas or suggestions to do that using XPath from Java?

Thanks in advance for your invaluable help!

So long.
Sorry, Paul Clapham, I don't know how to accomplish that task.

Can you guide me or give me some ideas to accomplish that task?

Thanks in advance.

I have the next XML document: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19952564/docs/yweather-bogota.xml

And I need to extract attribute values from:

i.e: Tue, 9, 17, Cloudy, 26.

I have the following Java code:

But it does not print anything.

In http://www.xpathtester.com/test I paste the XML document, and it prints the results I expect for //yweather:forecast[1]/@* XPath expression.

Can you give some suggestions about this case.

Java SDK's XPath version is correct?

Thanks in advance for your response.

So long.
Hi thomas colding,

Do you know how to extract the attributes for the next element:

I have tried through with various ways, but I have no received the expected results.

Some suggestions? Thanks in advance.

So long!
You are right, Verdeban.

I am going to be more specific. Give some time to create a more complete and specific answer.

See you later.
12 years ago
Thanks for your suggestion, Verdegan.

I have a long movie list (Name, Year, Description), I'm trying to create a function for that to create indices to store a value to correspond to that value produced by hash function.

As I said, I can't use Java Collections Framework. Now I am searching in other forums, but I have found a useful to understand that topic.

12 years ago
Thanks for your response, Jeff Verdegan.

I forgot to specify or clarify, that the Design Restrictions does not allow the use of Java Collections :-( Because of, I am coursing a Data Structures course, then we must understand low level concepts.

I need a example that uses any hash function.

Thanks, again.
12 years ago

Now I'm creating an application to administer movies using Data Structures (Hash tables). I have searching for examples, but my search hasn't been the better.

Can you offer concrete examples: how to create a hash function, store or locate objects starting from that function.

Thanks in advance.

So long


Jojn Ortiz
12 years ago