Akanksha Joy

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If the compareTo method returns 0 or true, the element is considered to be in the list and so discarded as duplicate element. Am I right?

Are you talking about this quote. Ya I have mistakenly written "list". It should be set.
15 years ago
Can anyone please tell whether the explaination of TreeSet is accurate or not..
15 years ago

While storing the elements in the TreeSet, we have to provide the sorting logic as TreeSet maintains the elements in the sorted order using Binary search tree. The sorting logic can be provided in two ways: either through Comparable or Comparator.
If the sorting logic is not provided then ClassCastException will be thrown and the elements will not be stored as they cannot be compared while storing.
As TreeSet maintians Collection of unique elements, this is determined the compareTo() or compare() and not through equals method. If the compareTo method returns 0 or true, the element is considered to be in the list and so discarded as duplicate element. Am I right?


While searching the elements in the TreeSet using the contains(Object o), it is the compareTo() (or compare()) which determines whether the element is present in the list. while in HashSet, it is the hashcode and equals method which searches the elements (first hashcode and if the bucket found then equals method). In ArrayList, it the equals method which searches the element.
15 years ago
No, I know the concept of hashing.
So that means in every bucket, no two elements will be equal according to equals(). Its the equals() that determines the equality of the objects.
15 years ago

We have to override hashcode(),as on the basis of this method, all the elements are stored.
I am not sure about one thing. Please confirm this: The java.util.Set API says:

A collection that contains no duplicate elements. More formally, sets contain no pair of elements e1 and e2 such that e1.equals(e2), and at most one null element

In HashSet, if two elements are added having same hashcode then, since set does not allow duplicate values, so in HashSet duplicate elements are judged on the basis of hashcode() and not equals(). For example:
String s=new String("hello");
String s1=new String("hello");

Both the string will have same hashcode and therefore if we try to add them in HashSet then only 's' can be added, as 's1' will be considered as duplicate on the basis of hashcode. Am I right?

15 years ago
Oh that's the typing mistake. The error is still there. I think if enum is declared in some class then it has to be accessed with the class name.

The code is taken from the K&B book page 62 chapter1 (latest edition). There are many ways to declare an enum. The above is one the way i.e inside a class. But its not working. There's error in compiling. I think the enclosing class name is required...it's as if a nested class.......

Source: SCJP K&B

I have not understood why we cannot move to xcom folder and access A.class file there. The fully qualified name of the A.class file is 'xcom.A' and B want to have access to A.class thats y? What about the other parts......Please explain with reason...
Yes only one object is eligible for garbage collection and thats the one referenced by instance member a of object a2 which is afterwards made to null.

It is not OK to make these kinds of assumptions. Rather, all you should say is "Objects of this class need to be held in collections, and compared for equality, and therefore I need to override BOTH hashCode() and equals()," OR, "Objects of this class need to be sorted, and therefore I need to implement Comparable."

Ok then I am going through the comcepts thoroughly and posting details of collection one by one with reasons....correct me if I am wrong.......

1. Object class hashcode() returns different hashcode for every object.
2. Two equal objects should have same hashcode (so that hash to same bucket). This is so because at the time of searching a particular element in the collection, it is searched only in the bucket determined by the hashcode().
3. At the time of storing, firstly calculate the hashcode to determine the bucket, then if the element is not already present in the bucket (determine with equals()) store the element in the bucket else reject. In this way, map will not have duplicate keys.


which methods should be overriden?

Hashcode()-If we don’t override the hashcode() then all the elements of the collection will go to different hash buckets. This will result in failure of searching the elements as the hashcode of both the elements - element which is stored and element which is searched- will have different hashcode and searching will occur in two different buckets. Yet no compilation error and no Runtime exception will be thrown.

equals()- This method will be useful only if we override the hashcode() otherwise not. This method will be called to compare the equality of the elements while storing the elements in the hash table so that no two equal objects are stored in the hashtable and also while searching the element in the hash table using contains().

15 years ago

You are supposed to return the same value when you consider the two objects "the same." By always returning 0 you indicate that every object of that class is "the same as" every other object.

I am sorry, I am not asking this. I have prob in the concept. I have gone through the API's and read kathy Sierra. what I have understood is that:
List implementation classes uses equals() when we need to search a given item in the list. So we need to override equals() of Object class.
In Set implementation classes, equals() is used when the the items are added in the collection to maintain unique elements.
In Treebased collection, we need to provide some sorting logic through comparable or comparartor.
In hashing based collection we need to override hashcode() of object class as every object has unique hashcode but two equal objects must have same hashcode().

So TreeSet class is a Set as well as tree based collection, So I think that we need to override both compareTo() (By implementing Comparable)and equals(). But in the code above, I have observed that while adding the elements in the collection (TreeSet), it is using compareTo() and when searching a element it is using same compareTo() and not equals()!!

In nutshell, in TreeBased collection when we add and search elements we need to give the comparing logic onlu\y (either through the comparable or comparator)? So when do we need to override equals() in Tree based collection? in khalid Mughal book its given that in Tree based collection two methods are used:
equals(Object) and
comapreTo(Object) (or compare(Object,Object)).
15 years ago
In the code, TreeSet collection is used. TreeSet uses equals() to determine whether an object can be added or not in the set (as Set maintains collection of unique objects) and comparable/ Comparator to determine the order in which the objects are to be added as it uses Binary Search tree to keep the elements in sorted order. I think I am right....I have gone through the concepts...
In the code below, when we add two different objects, only first object is being added? I have not understood this?
Is this the reason- when compareTo() return 0 on second object(two) then I think this means that the element is equal to the first object which is already added in the tree and because two equal objects cannot exists, so discarded the second object...??


15 years ago
I have taken a look and tried some examples. So in the above example:
This string is treated as the delimiter: "zero or more times white space, then word fish, then zero or more white spaces".
Am I right?
15 years ago

String input = "1 fish 2 fish red fish blue fish";
Scanner s = new Scanner(input).useDelimiter("\\s*fish\\s*");
output is :

Can anyone help me in understanding how the output has come? I have not understood the core thing:
" ("\\s*fish\\s*"); "
what is the meaning of \s,\d??
15 years ago
Thanks a lot....
15 years ago