Mika Tapanainen

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since Jun 11, 2009
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Recent posts by Mika Tapanainen


It seems that the Survey Monkey is a cloud based application.

I'm interested in the application which can be installed on my own server.



Do you know any good Java open source survey applications? There should be possibility to create questions and later answer to the questions.

There should be possibility to write questions like this:

1. You like Java programming? 1-5
2. You like databases? 1-5
3. etc.

1 Agree
2 Maybe agree
3 No answer
4 Maybe disagree
5 Disagree

And there should also be free form questions:

What are your favourite programming languages:
Answer: Java, Scala, Perl...

I want install the application on my own server. The cloud service is not an option.


Thanks, this is a good starting point. If someone has real experience integrating some collaboration application or library it would be interesting to know.
11 years ago

Do you know any good collaboration application, which can be run in the Java application server (for example Oracle WebLogic). The functionality should be same as in the WebEx.

It also possible to the use WebEx or other cloud service, which have a Java api.


11 years ago
Now the ejb3.0 is working. The solution was to change my maven project type to the "ejb" and use the ejb 3.0 version in the maven ejb plugin.

Yes, you are correct the beans.xml is not needed.

But the @Local annotation is not needed. I checked from the EJB3.0 specification:

ejb-3_0-fr-spec-simplified.pdf page 16

If bean class implements a single interface, that interface is assumed to be the business interface
of the bean. This business interface will be a local interface unless the interface is designated
as a remote business interface by use of the Remote annotation on the bean class or
interface or by means of the deployment descriptor.

Also I got the exception:


I can't get the EJB3.0 to work in Webspere 7. I got the error message:

My EchoServiceWSImpl (works without EJB) uses the EJB bean:

The service interface (is needed for the EJB3.0) is:

The service implementation is:

I have also beans.xml (I'm not sure if this is needed) in the jar metainf folder:

Do you know what is the problem?


Thanks, this saved my day!

This worked for me:



I'm using the Maven Integration for WTP plugin in the Eclipse. When I try to import the Maven project which contains in the pom:

I got the error message:

No marketplace entries found to handle jaxws-maven-plugin:2.2:wsimport in Eclipse. Please see Help for more information.

I have googled and found similar situations without answers:


http://wiki.javaforum.hu/display/ANDROIDSOAP/Home (at the end of the page)

Do you know how to fix the problem?



My environment is:

Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Indigo Service Release 2

Eclipse maven plugin:
Maven Integration for WTP
Version: Maven Integration for WTP org.maven.ide.eclipse.wtp.feature.feature.group JBoss by Red Hat

I'm using the Maven Integration for WTP plugin in the Eclipse. When I try to import the Maven project which contains in the pom:

I got the error message:

No marketplace entries found to handle jaxws-maven-plugin:2.2:wsimport in Eclipse. Please see Help for more information.

I have googled and found similar situations without answers:


http://wiki.javaforum.hu/display/ANDROIDSOAP/Home (at the end of the page)

Do you know how to fix the problem?



My environment is:

Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Indigo Service Release 2

Eclipse maven plugin:
Maven Integration for WTP
Version: Maven Integration for WTP org.maven.ide.eclipse.wtp.feature.feature.group JBoss by Red Hat
12 years ago

if someone could help in this issue, it would be very good.


12 years ago

How to read XML schemas from the WAR in the application server? The WAR is not supposed to be opened or exploded in the application server. The problem is perhaps that the main schema file is read, but not the schemas, which are imported. The solution could not use servlet context, because it has to work with SOAP HTTP and JMS. could not be used in the Websphere 7.


produces the exception

My schema imports other schema with the namespace and references the element there.

When I'am creating the with the same schema outside of the WAR everything goes well. So I think that XML schema validator can't handle imports inside WAR.

If you have experience in this issue it would be glad to hear.


12 years ago
The binding.xml is not needed in this case.

The resolution was the add the annotation

in the class level of the service implementation class. There is same annotation in the interface, but it seems that the service implementation class doesn't inherit the annotations. Maybe it is said also in the JAX-WS specification:

3.4.1 Inheritance
WSDL 1.1 does not define a standard representation for the inheritance of wsdl:portType elements.

see more for example: http://download.oracle.com/otndocs/jcp/jaxws-2_2a-mrel4-eval-spec/
12 years ago
It is maybe so that wsimport doesn't read the

element. If I change the element:

there is no error message. Only if the file is not correct XML there comes an error message.
12 years ago
I tried this:


and the binding.xml contained the following value:

but this didn't work for me. Actually the generated source classes are identical without binding, with the value false and with the value true (except the wsimport generates the methods everytime different order).

If someone has experience in this field it would be nice to hear.
12 years ago