sushil parti

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since Jun 21, 2009
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Recent posts by sushil parti

thanks everybody for your help
well somehow my code is running again after i replaced it with following code
but i still can't get how. Does any body know??
Hi Ireneusz
Thanks for replying....

i changed that relative address to have an absolute one .
But still it is not working properly..

Actually There is no compilation error. But when i click on login button after putting the username and password
the error comes.

any guesses what should i do

i am a newbie to java... i have just joined an institute for that and the tutor is teaching java on netbeans
but i liked eclipse more. So i am doing on that.
A few days ago my tutor taught us database connectivity without using DSN so that it could be deployed easily which i have implemented in the code below
But i am getting an error :

java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

I have checked the code again and again but can't find the error in it. Further my teacher is not able to find the error and is blaming the eclipse for that and is saying it is due to some internal error of laptop. I am not sure what to do ..

please help me a soon as is the code.. :

Please reply if any one here knows the solution......
Thank you