Chris Stewart

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since Sep 29, 2001
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Recent posts by Chris Stewart

Over the weekend we applied SSL to a Tomcat 6 instance that runs a JSF/Guice application. After the update, we're noticing OutOfMemory exceptions on the machine and it has effectively gotten to a crawl in performance. The application hasn't changed so it's hard to suggest that's the problem. I imagine that SSL adds overhead to Tomcat but I wouldn't have thought it would be this bad. Can anyone suggest a place or two to investigate? I'm at a loss on where to look right now.
14 years ago
I'm attempting to create "selected row" functionality in a dataTable. I've seen a number of posts regarding problems with using h:selectOneRadio inside of a h:dataTable. Those were all from 4-5 years ago, however. I've yet to find anything more recent on the subject. I'm using JSF RI 1.2_12-b01-FCS and I was wondering if anyone knows the status of this issue, or has experienced it themselves? I've attempted the JavaScript based workarounds in the old threads, but they don't have any effect for me, for whatever reason.
15 years ago
Oh wow, good point. I never even put it together but we have seen OutOfMemory exceptions every 7 days or so. I'll set the timeout to something and see if I can handle that exception gracefully. Any tips on that?
15 years ago
I'm getting this error in my logs and cannot figure out why I'm seeing this. In my web.xml I have an element to specify no session timeout. I'll post that below as well.

15 years ago
I come from an ASP.NET background and there was an event there called page load. It would be fired before the page actually rendered to the browser. I'm wondering if there is something similar in JSF. I'd like to check something in the database before displaying the initial page (index.jsf) to the user. Possible?
15 years ago
Here's my environment:

JSF RI 1.2
RichFaces 3.2.1
Facelets 1.1.13
Tomcat 6.0.14

The application runs very well for the first few days. Around 7-10 days in, we get an OutOfMemoryError thrown and here's the stack trace:

Has anyone had problems like this? None of the errors point to specific points in the code. I can only imagine there are issues with the libraries we're using and possibly the mix of them working together. Any help is appreciated.
15 years ago
Same result. Man, this is killing me. It worked like a charm as little as a week ago. The 1st version of the app is in production now and having no issues.
15 years ago
Here's a piece from the JSF file:

The LoginController:


15 years ago
And for reference, I changed the method name to "getLogout()" and I'm still getting the same error.
15 years ago
Right, and it has been working that way for properties, but logout is an action. It's never been called "getLogout()". It's always been "logout()" and only now is it showing up as an error.
15 years ago
I went ahead and migrated to MyFaces 1.2.2 (issue in 1.2.3 with Tomahawk 1.1.6, go figure) since that's something I've been wanting to do. I'm getting the same error message even after the upgrade. Hmm...
15 years ago
I've been working on an application and everything has been running fine. Suddenly, a few days ago, I'm getting an exception thrown:

It's kind of odd that "logout" is being referred to as a property when in fact it's a method of the LoginController class. It's declared in EL as an action for a commandlink.

I've been running this code for months with no problems. I think the only changes I made were upgrading to 1.2_09 from 1.2_08 of the JSF RI. Does anyone have any idea why this would be failing?
15 years ago
While that element looked promising, it ends up breaking the application I posted above. When you click the link from the index.jsp page, it does in fact forward to the detail.jsp page, but the ID value of the bean is 0 instead of the value set in the link. It works as expected without the element in the faces-config.xml file.
15 years ago