Tim Holloway wrote:Have you checked out XulRunner?
Tim Holloway wrote:You can probably invoke a native code library, but chances are you'll need to create a signed application and maybe some glue libraries
Tim Holloway wrote:Unless you're absolutely dead set on GWT, you'd probably find it less work to use SWT (Eclipse's GUI) or even Swing for Linux desktop apps. You don't need to have Eclipse to run SWT - the Spoon ETL GUI design tool of the Pentaho Business Intelligence Suite is a stand-alone Java application using SWT. Then again, some of the more ambitious systems use Eclipse itself. Eclipse can be used for other purposes besides as an IDE for software development.
And, of course, there's a whole raft of quick-and-dirty GUI app design options that come with the core Linux distros - or as minor add-ons, from dialog-assistes shell scripts to Tcl/Tk on up to and including (but not limited to) Python and Perl. Not even touching the not-so-quick platform options like C/C++ or even Ada.
Tim Holloway wrote:Sorry to be so pedantic, BTW, but not everyone understands the nuances of servers.
Tim Holloway wrote:
Bret Waldow wrote:You install Tomcat (a/k/a Apache Tomcat"). Apache itself is the name used to refer to the non-Java general web server, although the Apache project as a whole has a lot of Java stuff not related to the original Apache Http Server at all.
Tim Holloway wrote:There are bigger issues here, however. One of which is that installing server software, if it's going to be on desktop computers, has the potential to really annoy the security people.
Tim Holloway wrote:Another is that there's no such thing as "a" server. Servers come in lots of different flavors: DNS, HTTP, FTP, DHCP, database, etc., etc., etc.. Quite frequently more than one of these servers will be running in the same OS on the same box at the same time.
Cloudgen C.F. Wong wrote:If you are going to use the GWT, I think you should consider the "Google App Engine" http://code.google.com/appengine/
Cloudgen C.F. Wong wrote:
Bret Waldow wrote:I might also find reason to have a server for some other functionality as I develop my application, but knowing the limits of Javascript will be helpful, so I'd like to hear about both approaches - with and without.
If you can use your library within JNI, is it possible for you to wrap the libraries into RMI (Remote Method Invocation), or a network service, (or xmlrpc web services or something else) and allow it to be called by Java Applet (or xmlHttpRequest Object) in a webpage? (Java Applet or xmlHttpRequest Object have their own security limitations, too.)
If you target for ie as your webbrowser, you have an alternative choice, compile it as ActiveX dll component. And you can call it by <object></object> tag and access it using Javascript.
Moreover, you are not allow to access local system's resources (other than webpages, multimedia files and files that opened by webbrowser's plugin or add-ons) directly from Javascript due to security reasons. Thus, it's quite IMPOSSIBLE to call an external library directly from javascript.